# Copyright 2001-2003 Six Apart. This code cannot be redistributed without # permission from www.movabletype.org. # # $Id: CMS.pm,v 1.281 2003/02/17 06:09:47 btrott Exp $ package MT::App::CMS; use strict; use Symbol; use File::Spec; use MT::Util qw( encode_html format_ts offset_time_list remove_html get_entry ); use MT::App; @MT::App::CMS::ISA = qw( MT::App ); sub init { my $app = shift; $app->SUPER::init(@_) or return; $app->add_methods( 'menu' => \&show_menu, 'save' => \&save_object, 'view' => \&edit_object, 'list' => \&list_objects, 'list_entries' => \&list_entries, 'save_entries' => \&save_entries, 'save_entry' => \&save_entry, 'cfg_archives' => \&cfg_archives, 'cfg_prefs' => \&cfg_prefs, 'cfg_archives_save' => \&cfg_archives_save, 'cfg_archives_add' => \&cfg_archives_add, 'cfg_archives_do_add' => \&cfg_archives_do_add, 'list_blogs' => \&list_blogs, 'list_cat' => \&list_categories, 'save_cat' => \&save_categories, 'edit_placements' => \&edit_placements, 'save_placements' => \&save_placements, 'delete_confirm' => \&delete_confirm, 'delete' => \&delete, 'edit_permissions' => \&edit_permissions, 'save_permissions' => \&save_permissions, 'ping' => \&send_pings, 'rebuild' => \&rebuild_pages, 'start_rebuild' => \&start_rebuild_pages, 'rebuild_confirm' => \&rebuild_confirm, 'send_notify' => \&send_notify, 'start_upload' => \&start_upload, 'upload_file' => \&upload_file, 'start_upload_entry' => \&start_upload_entry, 'show_upload_html' => \&show_upload_html, 'logout' => \&logout, 'start_recover' => \&start_recover, 'recover' => \&recover_password, 'bookmarklets' => \&bookmarklets, 'make_bm_link' => \&make_bm_link, 'view_log' => \&view_log, 'reset_log' => \&reset_log, 'start_import' => \&start_import, 'search_replace' => \&search_replace, 'start_search_replace' => \&start_search_replace, 'export' => \&export, 'import' => \&do_import, 'pinged_urls' => \&pinged_urls, 'tb_cat_pings' => \&tb_cat_pings, 'show_entry_prefs' => \&show_entry_prefs, 'save_entry_prefs' => \&save_entry_prefs, 'reg_file' => \®_file, 'category_add' => \&category_add, 'category_do_add' => \&category_do_add, 'cc_return' => \&cc_return, ); $app->{default_mode} = 'list_blogs'; $app->{template_dir} = 'cms'; my $mode = $app->{query}->param('__mode'); $app->{requires_login} = $mode && ($mode eq 'start_recover' || $mode eq 'recover') ? 0 : 1; $app->{is_admin} = 1; $app->{user_class} = 'MT::Author'; $app; } sub pre_run { my $app = shift; my $auth = $app->{author}; $app->set_language($auth->preferred_language) if $auth && $auth->preferred_language; 1; } sub logout { my $app = shift; $app->log("User '" . $app->{author}->name . "' logged out"); delete $app->{author}; $app->bake_cookie(-name => 'user', -value => '', -expires => '-1y'); $app->build_page('login.tmpl', { logged_out => 1 }); } sub start_recover { my $app = shift; $app->build_page('recover.tmpl'); } sub recover_password { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; require MT::Author; my $name = $q->param('name'); my $author = MT::Author->load({ name => $name }); $app->log("Invalid author name '$name' in password recovery attempt"), return $app->error($app->translate( "No such author with name '[_1]'", $name)) unless $author; return $app->error($app->translate( "Author has not set birthplace; cannot recover password")) unless $author->hint; my $hint = $q->param('hint'); $app->log("Invalid attempt to recover password (used birthplace '$hint')"), return $app->error($app->translate( "Birthplace '[_1]' does not match stored birthplace " . "for this author", $hint)) unless $author->hint eq $hint; return $app->error($app->translate("Author does not have email address")) unless $author->email; my @pool = ('a'..'z', 0..9); my $pass; for (1..8) { $pass .= $pool[ rand @pool ] } $author->set_password($pass); $author->save; my %head = ( To => $author->email, From => $author->email, Subject => "Password Recovery" ); my $body = $app->translate('_USAGE_FORGOT_PASSWORD_1') . "\n\n $pass\n\n" . $app->translate('_USAGE_FORGOT_PASSWORD_2') . "\n"; require Text::Wrap; $Text::Wrap::columns = 72; $body = Text::Wrap::wrap('', '', $body); require MT::Mail; MT::Mail->send(\%head, $body) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Error sending mail ([_1]); please fix the problem, then " . "try again to recover your password.", MT::Mail->errstr)); $app->build_page('recover.tmpl', { recovered => 1, email => $author->email }); } sub is_authorized { my $app = shift; require MT::Permission; my $blog_id = $app->{query}->param('blog_id'); return 1 unless $blog_id; return unless my $author = $app->{author}; my $perms = $app->{perms} = MT::Permission->load({ author_id => $author->id, blog_id => $blog_id }); $perms ? 1 : $app->error($app->translate( "You are not authorized to log in to this blog.")); } sub build_page { my $app = shift; my($page, $param) = @_; if (my $perms = $app->{perms}) { $param->{can_post} = $perms->can_post; $param->{can_upload} = $perms->can_upload; $param->{can_edit_entries} = $perms->can_post || $perms->can_edit_all_posts; $param->{can_search_replace} = $perms->can_edit_all_posts; $param->{can_edit_templates} = $perms->can_edit_templates; $param->{can_edit_authors} = $perms->can_edit_authors; $param->{can_edit_config} = $perms->can_edit_config; $param->{can_rebuild} = $perms->can_rebuild; $param->{can_edit_categories} = $perms->can_edit_categories; $param->{can_edit_notifications} = $perms->can_edit_notifications; $param->{has_manage_label} = $perms->can_edit_templates || $perms->can_edit_authors || $perms->can_edit_categories || $perms->can_edit_config; } my $blog_id = $app->{query}->param('blog_id'); if (my $auth = $app->{author}) { $param->{author_id} = $auth->id; $param->{author_name} = $auth->name; my @perms = MT::Permission->load({ author_id => $auth->id }); my @data; for my $perms (@perms) { next unless $perms->role_mask; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($perms->blog_id); push @data, { top_blog_id => $blog->id, top_blog_name => $blog->name }; $data[-1]{top_blog_selected} = 1 if $blog_id && $blog->id == $blog_id; } @data = sort { $a->{top_blog_name} cmp $b->{top_blog_name} } @data; $param->{top_blog_loop} = \@data; } if ($blog_id) { my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); $param->{blog_name} = $blog->name; $param->{blog_id} = $blog->id; $param->{blog_url} = $blog->site_url; } if ($app->{query}->param('is_bm')) { $param->{is_bookmarklet} = 1; if ($page eq 'login.tmpl') { ## For bookmarklets, we need to pass-thru text, title, and ## href vars my $q = $app->{query}; $param->{text} = $q->param('text'); $param->{link_title} = $q->param('link_title'); $param->{link_href} = $q->param('link_href'); $param->{bm_show} = $q->param('bm_show'); } } $param->{agent_mozilla} = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /gecko/i; $param->{have_tangent} = eval { require MT::Tangent; 1 } ? 1 : 0; $app->SUPER::build_page($page, $param); } ## Application methods sub show_menu { my $app = shift; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); require MT::Comment; require MT::TBPing; require MT::Trackback; require MT::Permission; require MT::Entry; my $blog_id = $app->{query}->param('blog_id'); my $iter = MT::Entry->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }, { 'sort' => 'created_on', direction => 'descend', limit => 5 }); my @e_data; my $i = 1; my $author_id = $app->{author}->id; while (my $entry = $iter->()) { my $row = { entry_id => $entry->id, entry_blog_id => $entry->blog_id, }; unless ($row->{entry_title} = $entry->title) { my $title = remove_html($entry->text); $row->{entry_title} = substr($title, 0, 22) . '...'; } $row->{entry_title} = encode_html($row->{entry_title}, 1); $row->{entry_created_on} = format_ts("%Y.%m.%d", $entry->created_on); $row->{is_odd} = $i++ % 2; $row->{has_edit_access} = $perms->can_edit_all_posts || $entry->author_id == $author_id; push @e_data, $row; } $iter = MT::Comment->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }, { 'sort' => 'created_on', direction => 'descend', limit => 5 }); my @c_data; $i = 1; while (my $comment = $iter->()) { my $row = { comment_id => $comment->id, comment_author => $comment->author || '[No author]', comment_blog_id => $comment->blog_id, }; $row->{comment_created_on} = format_ts("%Y.%m.%d", $comment->created_on); my $entry = MT::Entry->load($comment->entry_id); $row->{has_edit_access} = $perms->can_edit_all_posts || $entry->author_id == $author_id; $row->{is_odd} = $i++ % 2; push @c_data, $row; } $iter = MT::TBPing->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }, { 'sort' => 'created_on', direction => 'descend', limit => 5 }); my @p_data; $i = 1; while (my $ping = $iter->()) { my $row = { ping_id => $ping->id, ping_title => $ping->title || '[No title]', ping_url => $ping->source_url, ping_blog_id => $ping->blog_id, }; $row->{ping_created_on} = format_ts("%Y.%m.%d", $ping->created_on); #my $tb = MT::Trackback->load($ping->tb_id); #my $entry = MT::Entry->load($tb->entry_id); #$row->{has_edit_access} = $perms->can_edit_all_posts || # $entry->author_id == $author_id; #$row->{ping_entry_id} = $entry->id; $row->{is_odd} = $i++ % 2; push @p_data, $row; } require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); my %param = (entry_loop => \@e_data, comment_loop => \@c_data, ping_loop => \@p_data); $param{blog_description} = $blog->description; $param{welcome} = $blog->welcome_msg; $param{num_entries} = MT::Entry->count({ blog_id => $blog_id }); $param{num_comments} = MT::Comment->count({ blog_id => $blog_id }); $param{num_authors} = 0; $iter = MT::Permission->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }); while (my $p = $iter->()) { $param{num_authors}++ if $p->role_mask > 0; } $app->build_page('menu.tmpl', \%param); } sub bookmarklets { $_[0]->build_page('bookmarklets.tmpl') } sub make_bm_link { my $app = shift; my %param = ( have_link => 1 ); my @show = $app->{query}->param('show'); my $height = 440; my %show = map { $_ => 1 } @show; $height += 50 if $show{trackback}; $height += 40 if $show{allow_comments}; $height += 20 if $show{allow_pings}; $height += 40 if $show{convert_breaks}; $height += 50 if $show{category}; $height += 80 if $show{excerpt}; $height += 80 if $show{keywords}; $height += 80 if $show{text_more}; $param{bm_show} = join ',', @show; $param{bm_height} = $height; $param{bm_js} = _bm_js($app->base . $app->uri, $param{bm_show}, $height); $app->build_page('bookmarklets.tmpl', \%param); } sub _bm_js { my($uri, $show, $height) = @_; qq!javascript:d=document;t=d.selection?d.selection.createRange().text:d.getSelection();void(window.open('$uri?is_bm=1&bm_show=$show&__mode=view&_type=entry&link_title='+escape(d.title)+'&link_href='+escape(d.location.href)+'&text='+escape(t),'_blank','scrollbars=yes,width=400,height=$height,status=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'))!; } sub start_import { my $app = shift; my $blog_id = $app->{query}->param('blog_id'); my %param; require MT::Category; my $iter = MT::Category->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }); my @data; while (my $cat = $iter->()) { push @data, { category_id => $cat->id, category_label => $cat->label }; } @data = sort { $a->{category_label} cmp $b->{category_label} } @data; $param{category_loop} = \@data; $app->build_page('import.tmpl', \%param); } sub view_log { my $app = shift; my $author = $app->{author}; return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $author->can_view_log; my @log; require MT::Log; my $iter = MT::Log->load_iter(undef, { 'sort' => 'created_on' }); my $i = 1; while (my $log = $iter->()) { my $row = { log_message => $log->message, log_ip => $log->ip }; $row->{created_on_formatted} = format_ts("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S", $log->created_on); $row->{is_odd} = $i++ % 2 ? 1 : 0; push @log, $row; } $log[-1]{is_last} = 1 if @log; my %param = ( log_entry_loop => \@log ); $param{'reset'} = $app->{query}->param('reset'); $app->build_page('view_log.tmpl', \%param); } sub reset_log { my $app = shift; my $author = $app->{author}; return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $author->can_view_log; require MT::Log; MT::Log->remove_all; $app->redirect($app->uri . '?__mode=view_log&reset=1'); } { my %API = ( author => 'MT::Author', comment => 'MT::Comment', entry => 'MT::Entry', template => 'MT::Template', blog => 'MT::Blog', notification => 'MT::Notification', templatemap => 'MT::TemplateMap', category => 'MT::Category', banlist => 'MT::IPBanList', ping => 'MT::TBPing', ping_cat => 'MT::TBPing', ); sub edit_object { my $app = shift; my %param = $_[0] ? %{ $_[0] } : (); my $q = $app->{query}; my $type = $q->param('_type'); my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my $id = $q->param('id'); my $perms = $app->{perms}; return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")) if !$perms && $id && $type ne 'author'; if ($id && ($type eq 'blog' && !$perms->can_edit_config) || ($type eq 'template' && !$perms->can_edit_templates)) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")); } if ($type eq 'blog' && !$id && !$app->{author}->can_create_blog) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")); } if ($type eq 'entry' && !$id && !$q->param('is_bm')) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_post; } if ($type eq 'author' && $app->{author}->id != $id) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")); } my $class = $app->_load_driver_for($type) or return; my $cols = $class->column_names; my $obj; if ($id) { $obj = $class->load($id) or return $app->error($app->translate("Load failed: [_1]", $class->errstr)); if ($type eq 'entry') { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_edit_entry($obj, $app->{author}); } for my $col (@$cols) { $param{$col} = defined $q->param($col) ? $q->param($col) : $obj->$col(); $param{$col} = encode_html($param{$col}, 1); } if ($type eq 'entry') { ## Don't pass in author_id, because it will clash with the ## author_id parameter of the author currently logged in. delete $param{'author_id'}; delete $param{'category_id'}; if (my $cat = $obj->category) { $param{category_id} = $cat->id; } $blog_id = $obj->blog_id; my $status = $q->param('status') || $obj->status; $param{"status_" . MT::Entry::status_text($status)} = 1; $param{"allow_comments_" . ($q->param('allow_comments') || $obj->allow_comments)} = 1; my $df = $q->param('created_on_manual') || format_ts("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $obj->created_on); $param{created_on_formatted} = $df; my $comments = $obj->comments; my @c_data; my $i = 1; @$comments = sort { $b->created_on cmp $a->created_on } @$comments; for my $c (@$comments) { my $df = format_ts("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $c->created_on); my $author = $c->author || '[No author]'; push @c_data, { comment_id => $c->id, comment_author => $author, comment_created => $df, comment_odd => ($i++ % 2 ? 1 : 0) }; } $param{comment_loop} = \@c_data; $param{num_comment_rows} = @c_data + 3; $param{can_send_notifications} = $perms->can_send_notifications; ## Load list of trackback pings sent for this entry. require MT::Trackback; require MT::TBPing; my $tb = MT::Trackback->load({ entry_id => $obj->id }); my @tb_data; if ($tb) { my $iter = MT::TBPing->load_iter({ tb_id => $tb->id }, { 'sort' => 'created_on', direction => 'ascend' }); $i = 1; while (my $ping = $iter->()) { my $df = format_ts("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $ping->created_on); push @tb_data, { ping_id => $ping->id, ping_title => $ping->title, ping_url => $ping->source_url, ping_created => $df, ping_odd => ($i++ % 2 ? 1 : 0) }; } } $param{ping_loop} = \@tb_data; $param{num_ping_rows} = @tb_data + 3; ## Load next and previous entries for next/previous links if (my $next = $obj->next) { $param{next_entry_id} = $next->id; } if (my $prev = $obj->previous) { $param{previous_entry_id} = $prev->id; } $param{ping_errors} = $q->param('ping_errors'); $param{can_view_log} = $app->{author}->can_view_log; } elsif ($type eq 'category') { require MT::Trackback; my $tb = MT::Trackback->load({ category_id => $obj->id }); if ($tb) { my $path = $app->{cfg}->CGIPath; $path .= '/' unless $path =~ m!/$!; my $script = $app->{cfg}->TrackbackScript; $param{tb_url} = $path . $script . '/' . $tb->id; if ($param{tb_passphrase} = $tb->passphrase) { $param{tb_url} .= '/' . MT::Util::encode_url($param{tb_passphrase}); } } } elsif ($type eq 'template') { $blog_id = $obj->blog_id; $param{has_name} = $obj->type eq 'index' || $obj->type eq 'custom' || $obj->type eq 'archive' || $obj->type eq 'category' || $obj->type eq 'individual'; $param{has_outfile} = $obj->type eq 'index'; $param{has_rebuild} = $obj->type eq 'index'; $param{rebuild_me} = defined $obj->rebuild_me ? $obj->rebuild_me : 1; } elsif ($type eq 'blog') { $blog_id = $obj->id; my $at = $obj->archive_type; if ($at && $at ne 'None') { my @at = split /,/, $at; for my $at (@at) { $param{'archive_type_' . $at} = 1; } } $param{'status_default_' . $obj->status_default} = 1 if $obj->status_default; $param{'sanitize_spec_' . ($obj->sanitize_spec ? 1 : 0)} = 1; $param{sanitize_spec_manual} = $obj->sanitize_spec if $obj->sanitize_spec; $param{'archive_type_preferred_' . $obj->archive_type_preferred} = 1 if $obj->archive_type_preferred; $param{words_in_excerpt} = 40 unless defined $param{words_in_excerpt} && $param{words_in_excerpt} ne ''; $param{'sort_order_comments_' . $obj->sort_order_comments} = 1; $param{'sort_order_posts_' . $obj->sort_order_posts} = 1; my $lang = $obj->language || 'en'; $param{'language_' . $lang} = 1; (my $offset = $obj->server_offset) =~ s![-\.]!_!g; $offset =~ s!_00$!!; $param{'server_offset_' . $offset} = 1; $param{'allow_comments_default_' . $obj->allow_comments_default} = 1; $param{cc_license_name} = MT::Util::cc_name($obj->cc_license) if $obj->cc_license; ## Load text filters. my $filters = MT->all_text_filters; my $default_entries = $obj->convert_paras; my $default_comments = $obj->convert_paras_comments; if ($default_entries eq '1') { $default_entries = '__default__'; } if ($default_comments eq '1') { $default_comments = '__default__'; } $param{text_filters} = []; $param{text_filters_comments} = []; for my $filter (keys %$filters) { my $row = { filter_key => $filter, filter_label => $filters->{$filter}{label}, }; my $rowc = { %$row }; $row->{filter_selected} = $filter eq $default_entries; $rowc->{filter_selected} = $filter eq $default_comments; push @{ $param{text_filters} }, $row; push @{ $param{text_filters_comments} }, $rowc; } $param{text_filters} = [ sort { $a->{filter_key} cmp $b->{filter_key} } @{ $param{text_filters} } ]; unshift @{ $param{text_filters} }, { filter_key => '0', filter_label => 'None', filter_selected => !$default_entries, }; unshift @{ $param{text_filters_comments} }, { filter_key => '0', filter_label => 'None', filter_selected => !$default_entries, }; } elsif ($type eq 'comment') { require MT::Entry; if (my $entry = MT::Entry->load($obj->entry_id)) { $param{entry_title} = $entry->title; } else { $param{no_entry} = 1; } } $param{new_object} = 0; } else { $param{new_object} = 1; for my $col (@$cols) { $param{$col} = $q->param($col); $param{$col} = encode_html($param{$col}, 1); } if ($type eq 'entry') { delete $param{'author_id'}; delete $param{'pinged_urls'}; require MT::Blog; if ($blog_id) { my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); my $def_status = $q->param('status') || $blog->status_default; if ($def_status) { $param{"status_" . MT::Entry::status_text($def_status)} = 1; } $param{'allow_comments_' . (defined $q->param('allow_comments') ? $q->param('allow_comments') : $blog->allow_comments_default)} = 1; $param{allow_comments} = $blog->allow_comments_default unless defined $q->param('allow_comments'); $param{allow_pings} = $blog->allow_pings_default unless defined $q->param('allow_pings'); } $param{created_on_formatted} = $q->param('created_on_manual'); if ($q->param('is_bm')) { $param{selected_text} = $param{text}; $param{text} = sprintf qq(%s\n\n%s), scalar $q->param('link_title'), scalar $q->param('link_href'), scalar $q->param('link_title'), $param{text}; my $show = $q->param('bm_show') || ''; if ($show =~ /trackback/) { ## Now fetch original page and scan it for embedded ## TrackBack RDF tags. my $url = $q->param('link_href'); if (my $items = MT::Util::discover_tb($url, 1)) { if (@$items == 1) { $param{to_ping_urls} = $items->[0]->{ping_url}; } else { $param{to_ping_url_loop} = $items; } } } require MT::Permission; my $iter = MT::Permission->load_iter({ author_id => $app->{author}->id }); my @data; while (my $perms = $iter->()) { next unless $perms->can_post; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($perms->blog_id); next unless $blog; push @data, { blog_id => $blog->id, blog_name => $blog->name, blog_convert_breaks => $blog->convert_paras, blog_status => $blog->status_default, blog_allow_comments => $blog->allow_comments_default, blog_allow_pings => $blog->allow_pings_default, }; $param{avail_blogs}{$blog->id} = 1; } $param{blog_loop} = \@data; } } elsif ($type eq 'template') { $param{has_name} = $q->param('type') eq 'index' || $q->param('type') eq 'custom' || $q->param('type') eq 'archive' || $q->param('type') eq 'category' || $q->param('type') eq 'individual'; $param{has_outfile} = $q->param('type') eq 'index'; $param{has_rebuild} = $q->param('type') eq 'index'; $param{rebuild_me} = 1; } elsif ($type eq 'blog') { $param{server_offset_0} = 1; } } if ($type eq 'entry') { ## Load categories and process into loop for category pull-down. require MT::Category; my $iter = MT::Category->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }); my $cols = MT::Category->column_names; my @data; my $cat_id = $param{category_id}; while (my $obj = $iter->()) { my $row = { }; for my $col (@$cols) { $row->{'category_' . $col} = $obj->$col(); } $row->{category_is_selected} = 1 if $cat_id && $cat_id == $obj->id; push @data, $row; } @data = sort { $a->{category_label} cmp $b->{category_label} } @data; my $top = { category_id => '', category_label => 'Select' }; $top->{category_is_selected} = 1 unless $cat_id; unshift @data, $top; $param{category_loop} = \@data; ## Now load user's preferences and customization for new/edit ## entry page. if ($perms) { my $prefs = $perms->entry_prefs || 'Advanced|Bottom'; ($prefs, my($pos)) = split /\|/, $prefs; if ($prefs eq 'Basic') { $param{'disp_prefs_' . $prefs} = 1; } elsif ($prefs eq 'Advanced') { my @all = qw( category extended excerpt convert_breaks allow_comments authored_on allow_pings ping_urls ); for my $p (@all) { $param{'disp_prefs_show_' . $p} = 1; } } else { my @p = split /,/, $prefs; for my $p (@p) { $param{'disp_prefs_show_' . $p} = 1; } } $param{'position_buttons_' . $pos} = 1; $param{disp_prefs_bar_colspan} = $param{new_object} ? 1 : 2; } ## Load text filters. my %entry_filters; if (defined(my $filter = $q->param('convert_breaks'))) { $entry_filters{$filter} = 1; } elsif ($obj) { %entry_filters = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $obj->text_filters }; } else { my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); my $cb = $blog->convert_paras; $cb = '__default__' if $cb eq '1'; $entry_filters{$cb} = 1; $param{convert_breaks} = $cb; } my $filters = MT->all_text_filters; $param{text_filters} = []; for my $filter (keys %$filters) { push @{ $param{text_filters} }, { filter_key => $filter, filter_label => $filters->{$filter}{label}, filter_selected => $entry_filters{$filter}, filter_docs => $filters->{$filter}{docs}, }; } $param{text_filters} = [ sort { $a->{filter_key} cmp $b->{filter_key} } @{ $param{text_filters} } ]; unshift @{ $param{text_filters} }, { filter_key => '0', filter_label => 'None', filter_selected => (!keys %entry_filters), }; } elsif ($type eq 'template') { $param{"type_$param{type}"} = 1; } elsif ($type eq 'blog') { my $cwd = ''; if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) { ## If mod_perl, just use the document root. $cwd = $app->{apache}->document_root; } else { ## Try to get the current directory; first try to use ## getcwd(), in case we are running with taint enabled. If ## that fails (inability to open directory, for example), ## try using cwd(). If that fails, use nothing. require Cwd; { my($bad); local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $bad++ }; eval { $cwd = Cwd::getcwd() }; if ($bad || $@) { eval { $cwd = Cwd::cwd() }; if ($@ && $@ !~ /Insecure \$ENV{PATH}/) { die $@; } } } } if (!$param{site_path}) { $param{site_path} = $cwd; } if (!$param{archive_path}) { $param{archive_path} = File::Spec->catdir($cwd, 'archives'); } if (!$param{site_url}) { $param{site_url} = $app->base . '/'; } if (!$param{archive_url}) { $param{archive_url} = $param{site_url} . 'archives/'; } } elsif ($type eq 'author') { my $langs = $app->supported_languages; my @data; my $preferred = $obj && $obj->preferred_language ? $obj->preferred_language : 'en-us'; for my $tag (keys %$langs) { my $row = { l_tag => $tag, l_name => $langs->{$tag} }; $row->{l_selected} = 1 if $preferred eq $tag; push @data, $row; } $param{languages} = [ sort { $a->{l_name} cmp $b->{l_name} } @data ]; } for my $p ($q->param) { $param{$p} = $q->param($p) if $p =~ /^saved/; } if ($q->param('is_bm')) { my $show = $q->param('bm_show') || ''; if ($show) { my @show = map "show_$_", split /,/, $show; @param{ @show } = (1) x @show; } if ($show =~ /category/) { my $iter = MT::Category->load_iter({}, { 'sort' => 'label' }); my @i; my @c_data; my %avail_blogs = %{ $param{avail_blogs} }; while (my $cat = $iter->()) { my $blog_id = $cat->blog_id; next unless $avail_blogs{$blog_id}; my $label = $cat->label; $label =~ s!'!\\'!g; $i[$blog_id] = 0 unless defined $i[$blog_id]; push @c_data, { category_blog_id => $blog_id, category_index => $i[$blog_id]++, category_id => $cat->id, category_label => $label }; } $param{category_loop} = \@c_data; } return $app->build_page("bm_entry.tmpl", \%param); } elsif ($param{output}) { return $app->build_page($param{output}, \%param); } else { return $app->build_page("edit_${type}.tmpl", \%param); } } sub save_object { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $type = $q->param('_type'); my $id = $q->param('id'); my $perms = $app->{perms}; return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")) if !$perms && $id && $type ne 'author'; if ($id && ($type eq 'blog' && !$perms->can_edit_config) || ($type eq 'template' && !$perms->can_edit_templates)) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) } if ($type eq 'blog' && !$id && !$app->{author}->can_create_blog) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")); } if ($type eq 'author') { ## If we are saving an author profile, we need to do some ## password maintenance. First make sure that the two ## passwords match... if ($q->param('pass') ne $q->param('pass_verify')) { my %param = (error => 'Passwords do not match.'); my $qual = $id ? '' : 'author_state_'; for my $f (qw( name email url )) { $param{$qual . $f} = $q->param($f); } $param{checked_blog_ids} = { map { $_ => 1 } $q->param('add_to_blog') }; my $meth = $id ? 'edit_object' : 'edit_permissions'; return $app->$meth(\%param); } ## ... then check to make sure that the author isn't trying ## to change his/her username to one that already exists. require MT::Author; my $name = $q->param('name'); my $existing = MT::Author->load({ name => $name }); if ($existing && (!$q->param('id') || $existing->id != $q->param('id'))) { my %param = (error => 'An author by that name already exists.'); my $qual = $id ? '' : 'author_state_'; for my $f (qw( name email url )) { $param{$qual . $f} = $q->param($f); } $param{checked_blog_ids} = { map { $_ => 1 } $q->param('add_to_blog') }; my $meth = $id ? 'edit_object' : 'edit_permissions'; return $app->$meth(\%param); } } my $class = $app->_load_driver_for($type) or return; my($obj); if ($id) { $obj = $class->load($id); } else { $obj = $class->new; } my $names = $obj->column_names; my %values = map { $_ => scalar $q->param($_) } @$names; $obj->set_values(\%values); if ($type eq 'author') { if (my $pass = $q->param('pass')) { $obj->set_password($pass); } ## If this is an author editing his/her profile, $id will be ## some defined value; if so we should update the author's ## cookie to reflect any changes made to username and password. ## Otherwise, this is a new user, and we shouldn't update the ## cookie. if ($id) { my($remember) = (split /::/, $app->{cookies}->{user}->value)[2]; my %arg = ( -name => 'user', -value => join('::', $obj->name, $obj->password, $remember), -path => $app->path, ); $arg{-expires} = '+10y' if $remember; $app->bake_cookie(%arg); } } elsif ($type eq 'template') { $obj->rebuild_me(0) unless $q->param('rebuild_me'); ## Strip linefeed characters. (my $text = $values{text}) =~ tr/\r//d; $obj->text($text); } elsif ($type eq 'blog') { if ($q->param('cfg_screen')) { my @fields = qw( email_new_comments allow_comment_html autolink_urls allow_comments_default convert_paras_comments allow_anon_comments ping_weblogs ping_blogs allow_pings_default email_new_pings autodiscover_links ); for my $cb (@fields) { $obj->$cb(0) if !defined $q->param($cb); } } else { $obj->is_dynamic(0) unless defined $q->param('is_dynamic'); } if ($obj->sanitize_spec eq '1') { $obj->sanitize_spec(scalar $q->param('sanitize_spec_manual')); } ## If this is a new blog, set the preferences and archive ## settings to the defaults. if (!$id) { $obj->days_on_index(7); $obj->words_in_excerpt(40); $obj->sort_order_posts('descend'); $obj->language('en'); $obj->sort_order_comments('ascend'); $obj->file_extension('html'); $obj->convert_paras('__default__'); $obj->allow_comments_default(1); $obj->allow_pings_default(0); $obj->convert_paras_comments(1); $obj->sanitize_spec(0); $obj->ping_weblogs(0); $obj->ping_blogs(0); $obj->archive_type('Individual,Monthly'); $obj->archive_type_preferred('Individual'); $obj->status_default(1); } } elsif ($type eq 'category') { $obj->allow_pings(0) if !defined $q->param('allow_pings'); if (defined(my $pass = $q->param('tb_passphrase'))) { $obj->{__tb_passphrase} = $pass; } } $obj->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Saving object failed: [_1]", $obj->errstr)); if ($type eq 'blog' && !$id) { ## If this is a new blog, we need to set up a permissions ## record for the existing user. require MT::Permission; my $perms = MT::Permission->new; $perms->author_id($app->{author}->id); $perms->blog_id($obj->id); $perms->set_full_permissions; $perms->save; ## Load default templates into new blog database. my $tmpl_list; eval { $tmpl_list = require 'MT/default-templates.pl' }; return $app->error($app->translate( "Can't find default template list; where is " . "'default-templates.pl'?")) if $@ || !$tmpl_list || ref($tmpl_list) ne 'ARRAY' || !@$tmpl_list; require MT::Template; my @arch_tmpl; for my $val (@$tmpl_list) { $val->{text} = $app->translate_templatized($val->{text}); my $tmpl = MT::Template->new; $tmpl->set_values($val); $tmpl->blog_id($obj->id); $tmpl->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Populating blog with default templates failed: [_1]", $tmpl->errstr)); if ($val->{type} eq 'archive' || $val->{type} eq 'category' || $val->{type} eq 'individual') { push @arch_tmpl, $tmpl; } } ## Set up mappings from new templates to archive types. for my $tmpl (@arch_tmpl) { my(@at); if ($tmpl->type eq 'archive') { @at = qw( Daily Weekly Monthly ); } elsif ($tmpl->type eq 'category') { @at = qw( Category ); } elsif ($tmpl->type eq 'individual') { @at = qw( Individual ); } require MT::TemplateMap; for my $at (@at) { my $map = MT::TemplateMap->new; $map->archive_type($at); $map->is_preferred(1); $map->template_id($tmpl->id); $map->blog_id($tmpl->blog_id); $map->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Setting up mappings failed: [_1]", $map->errstr)); } } } elsif ($type eq 'author' && !$id) { my $author_id = $obj->id; for my $blog_id ($q->param('add_to_blog')) { my $pe = MT::Permission->new; $pe->blog_id($blog_id); $pe->author_id($author_id); $pe->can_post(1); $pe->save; } } my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); if ($type eq 'blog') { $blog_id = $obj->id; } if ($type eq 'author' && !$id) { return $app->redirect($app->uri . '?__mode=edit_permissions&author_id=' . $obj->id); } elsif ($type eq 'notification') { return $app->redirect($app->uri . '?__mode=list&_type=notification&blog_id=' . $blog_id . '&saved=' . $obj->email); } elsif ($type eq 'comment') { return $app->redirect($app->uri . '?__mode=view&_type=entry&id=' . $obj->entry_id . '&blog_id=' . $blog_id . '&saved_comment=1'); } elsif (my $cfg_screen = $q->param('cfg_screen')) { return $app->redirect($app->uri . "?__mode=$cfg_screen&blog_id=" . $obj->id . '&saved=1'); } elsif ($type eq 'banlist') { return $app->redirect($app->uri . '?__mode=list&_type=banlist&blog_id=' . $blog_id . '&saved=' . $obj->ip); } else { return $app->redirect($app->uri . '?__mode=view&_type=' . $type . '&id=' . $obj->id . '&blog_id=' . $blog_id . '&saved=1'); } } sub list_objects { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $type = $q->param('_type'); my $perms = $app->{perms}; return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")) unless $type eq 'author' || $perms; if ($perms && (($type eq 'blog' && !$perms->can_edit_config) || ($type eq 'template' && !$perms->can_edit_templates) || ($type eq 'author' && !$perms->can_edit_authors))) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")); } my $id = $q->param('id'); my $class = $app->_load_driver_for($type) or return; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my %param; my %terms; my $cols = $class->column_names; for my $name (@$cols) { $terms{blog_id} = $blog_id, last if $name eq 'blog_id'; } my $iter = $class->load_iter(\%terms); my(@data, @index_data, @custom_data, @archive_data); my(%authors); while (my $obj = $iter->()) { my $row = $obj->column_values; if (my $ts = $obj->created_on) { $row->{created_on_formatted} = format_ts("%Y.%m.%d", $ts); } if ($type eq 'author') { $authors{ $obj->id } = $obj->name; } if ($type eq 'template') { if ($obj->type eq 'index') { push @index_data, $row; $row->{rebuild_me} = defined $row->{rebuild_me} ? $row->{rebuild_me} : 1; } elsif ($obj->type eq 'custom') { push @custom_data, $row; } elsif ($obj->type eq 'archive' || $obj->type eq 'category' || $obj->type eq 'individual') { push @archive_data, $row; } else { $param{'template_' . $obj->type} = $obj->id; } } else { $row->{is_odd} = @data % 2 ? 0 : 1; push @data, $row; } } if ($type eq 'author') { my $this_author_id = $app->{author}->id; for my $row (@data) { $row->{added_by} = $authors{$row->{created_by}} if $row->{created_by}; $row->{can_delete} = 1 if (($row->{created_by} && $row->{created_by} == $this_author_id) || $row->{id} == $this_author_id); } } if ($type eq 'notification') { @data = sort { $a->{email} cmp $b->{email} } @data; for my $i (0..$#data) { $data[$i]->{is_odd} = $i % 2 ? 0 : 1; } } if ($type eq 'template') { for my $ref (\@index_data, \@custom_data, \@archive_data) { @$ref = sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @$ref; for my $i (0..$#$ref) { $ref->[$i]{is_odd} = $i % 2 ? 0 : 1; } } $param{object_index_loop} = \@index_data; $param{object_custom_loop} = \@custom_data; $param{object_archive_loop} = \@archive_data; } else { $param{object_loop} = \@data; } $param{object_count} = scalar @data; $param{saved} = $q->param('saved'); $param{saved_deleted} = $q->param('saved_deleted'); if ($type eq 'banlist') { $app->build_page('cfg_banlist.tmpl', \%param); } else { $app->build_page("list_${type}.tmpl", \%param); } } sub delete_confirm { my $app = shift; my %param = ( type => scalar $app->{query}->param('_type') ); my @data; for my $id ($app->{query}->param('id')) { push @data, { id => $id }; } $param{id_loop} = \@data; $param{num} = scalar @data; $param{'type_' . $param{type}} = 1; $param{is_zero} = @data == 0; $param{is_one} = @data == 1; $param{is_many} = !$param{is_zero} && !$param{is_one}; $param{thisthese} = $param{is_one} ? 'this' : 'these'; $param{is_power_edit} = $app->{query}->param('is_power_edit') ? 1 : 0; $app->build_page('delete_confirm.tmpl', \%param); } sub delete { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $type = $q->param('_type'); my $class = $app->_load_driver_for($type) or return; my $perms = $app->{perms}; my $author = $app->{author}; ## Construct an anonymous subroutine $auth_check to check if ## the user has permission to delete each object being deleted. my $auth_check = sub { }; if ($type eq 'comment') { $auth_check = sub { my($obj) = @_; require MT::Entry; my $entry = MT::Entry->load($obj->entry_id); $perms->can_edit_entry($entry, $author); }; } elsif ($type eq 'ping') { $auth_check = sub { my($obj) = @_; require MT::Trackback; require MT::Entry; my $tb = MT::Trackback->load($obj->tb_id); my $entry = MT::Entry->load($tb->entry_id); $perms->can_edit_entry($entry, $author); }; } elsif ($type eq 'ping_cat') { $auth_check = sub { $perms->can_edit_categories }; } elsif ($type eq 'entry') { $auth_check = sub { $perms->can_edit_entry($_[0], $author) }; } elsif ($type eq 'notification') { $auth_check = sub { $perms->can_edit_notifications }; } elsif ($type eq 'template') { $auth_check = sub { $perms->can_edit_templates }; } elsif ($type eq 'blog') { $auth_check = sub { require MT::Permission; my $perms = MT::Permission->load({ author_id => $author->id, blog_id => $_[0]->id, }); $perms->can_edit_config; }; } elsif ($type eq 'author') { $auth_check = sub { $_[0]->id == $author->id || ($_[0]->created_by && $_[0]->created_by == $author->id) }; } elsif ($type eq 'category') { $auth_check = sub { $perms->can_edit_categories }; } elsif ($type eq 'templatemap') { $auth_check = sub { $perms->can_edit_config }; } elsif ($type eq 'banlist') { $auth_check = sub { $perms->can_edit_config }; } my($entry_id, $cat_id); for my $id ($q->param('id')) { my $obj = $class->load($id); next unless $obj; return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $auth_check->($obj); if (!$entry_id) { if ($type eq 'comment') { $entry_id = $obj->entry_id; } elsif ($type eq 'ping' || $type eq 'ping_cat') { require MT::Trackback; my $tb = MT::Trackback->load($obj->tb_id); $entry_id = $tb->entry_id; $cat_id = $tb->category_id; } } $obj->remove; } my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my %types = ( comment => "__mode=view&_type=entry&blog_id=$blog_id&id=$entry_id&", ping => "__mode=view&_type=entry&blog_id=$blog_id&id=$entry_id&", ping_cat => "__mode=tb_cat_pings&blog_id=$blog_id&category_id=$cat_id&", entry => "__mode=list_entries&blog_id=$blog_id&", notification => "__mode=list&_type=notification&blog_id=$blog_id&", template => "__mode=list&_type=template&blog_id=$blog_id&", blog => "", author => "__mode=list&_type=author&", category => "__mode=list_cat&blog_id=$blog_id&", templatemap => "__mode=cfg_archives&id=$blog_id&blog_id=$blog_id&", banlist => "__mode=list&_type=banlist&blog_id=$blog_id&", ); my $url = $app->uri . '?' . $types{$type} . ($type eq 'ping' ? 'saved_deleted_ping=1' : 'saved_deleted=1'); if ($q->param('is_power_edit')) { $url .= '&is_power_edit=1'; } return $app->build_page('reload_opener.tmpl', { url => $url }); } sub _load_driver_for { my $app = shift; my($type) = @_; my $class = $API{$type} or return $app->error($app->translate("Unknown object type [_1]", $type)); eval "use $class;"; return $app->error($app->translate( "Loading object driver [_1] failed: [_2]", $class, $@)) if $@; $class; } } sub show_upload_html { my $app = shift; defined(my $text = $app->_process_post_upload) or return; $app->build_page('show_upload_html.tmpl', { upload_html => encode_html($text, 1) }); } sub start_upload_entry { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; $q->param('_type', 'entry'); defined(my $text = $app->_process_post_upload) or return; $q->param('text', $text); $app->edit_object; } sub _process_post_upload { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my($url, $width, $height) = map $q->param($_), qw( url width height ); my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); my($thumb, $thumb_width, $thumb_height); if ($thumb = $q->param('thumb')) { require MT::Image; my $base_path = $q->param('site_path') ? $blog->site_path : $blog->archive_path; my $file = $q->param('fname'); if ($file =~ m!\.\.|\0|\|!) { return $app->error($app->translate("Invalid filename '[_1]'", $file)); } my $i_file = File::Spec->catfile($base_path, $file); ## Untaint. We checked $file for security holes above. ($i_file) = $i_file =~ /(.+)/s; my $fmgr = $blog->file_mgr; my $data = $fmgr->get_data($i_file, 'upload') or return $app->error($app->translate( "Reading '[_1]' failed: [_2]", $i_file, $fmgr->errstr)); my $img = MT::Image->new( Data => $data, Type => scalar $q->param('image_type') ) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Thumbnail failed: [_1]", MT::Image->errstr)); my($w, $h) = map $q->param($_), qw( thumb_width thumb_height ); (my($blob), $thumb_width, $thumb_height) = $img->scale( Width => $w, Height => $h ) or return $app->error($app->translate("Thumbnail failed: [_1]", $img->errstr)); require File::Basename; my($base, $path, $ext) = File::Basename::fileparse($i_file, '\.[^.]*'); my $t_file = $path . $base . '-thumb' . $ext; $fmgr->put_data($blob, $t_file, 'upload') or return $app->error($app->translate( "Error writing to '[_1]': [_2]", $t_file, $fmgr->errstr)); my $url = $q->param('site_path') ? $blog->site_url : $blog->archive_url; $url .= '/' unless $url =~ m!/$!; $t_file =~ s!^\Q$base_path\E\\?/?!!; $thumb = $url . $t_file; } if ($q->param('popup')) { require MT::Template; if (my $tmpl = MT::Template->load({ blog_id => $blog_id, type => 'popup_image' })) { (my $base = $q->param('fname')) =~ s!\.[^.]*$!!; if ($base =~ m!\.\.|\0|\|!) { return $app->error($app->translate( "Invalid basename '[_1]'", $base)); } my $ext = '.' . $blog->file_extension || 'html'; require MT::Template::Context; my $ctx = MT::Template::Context->new; $ctx->stash('image_url', $url); $ctx->stash('image_width', $width); $ctx->stash('image_height', $height); my $popup = $tmpl->build($ctx); my $fmgr = $blog->file_mgr; my $base_path = $q->param('site_path') ? $blog->site_path : $blog->archive_path; my $p_file = File::Spec->catfile($base_path, $base . $ext); ## If the popup filename already exists, we don't want to overwrite ## it, because it could contain valuable data; so we'll just make ## sure to generate the name uniquely. my($i, $full_base) = (0, $base . $ext); while ($fmgr->exists($p_file)) { $full_base = $base . ++$i . $ext; $p_file = File::Spec->catfile($base_path, $full_base); } ## Untaint. We have checked for security holes above, so we ## should be safe. ($p_file) = $p_file =~ /(.+)/s; $fmgr->put_data($popup, $p_file, 'upload') or return $app->error($app->translate( "Error writing to '[_1]': [_2]", $p_file, $fmgr->errstr)); $url = $q->param('site_path') ? $blog->site_url : $blog->archive_url; $url .= '/' unless $url =~ m!/$!; $full_base =~ s!^/!!; $url .= $full_base; } my $link = $thumb ? qq() : "View image"; return <$link HTML } elsif ($q->param('include')) { (my $fname = $url) =~ s!^.*/!!; if ($thumb) { return <$fname HTML } else { return < HTML } } elsif ($q->param('link')) { return <Download file HTML } } sub list_entries { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); if (!$perms->can_edit_all_posts && !$perms->can_post) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")); } my $id = $q->param('id'); if (!$id) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_post; } my %param; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my %terms = (blog_id => $blog_id); my $limit = $q->param('limit') || 20; $param{"limit_" . $limit} = 1; my $offset = $q->param('offset') || 0; ## We load $limit + 1 records so that we can easily tell if we have a ## page of next entries to link to. Obviously we only display $limit ## entries. my %arg = ( 'sort' => 'created_on', direction => 'descend', ($limit eq 'none' ? () : (limit => $limit + 1)), ($offset ? (offset => $offset) : ()), ); if (!$perms->can_edit_all_posts) { $terms{author_id} = $app->{author}->id; } if ((my $filter_col = $q->param('filter')) && (my $val = $q->param('filter_val'))) { if ($filter_col eq 'category_id') { $arg{'join'} = [ 'MT::Placement', 'entry_id', { category_id => $val }, { unique => 1 } ]; } else { $terms{$filter_col} = $val; } (my $url_val = $val) =~ s!([^a-zA-Z0-9_.-])!uc sprintf "%%%02x", ord($1)!eg; $param{filter_args} = "&filter=$filter_col&filter_val=$url_val"; } require MT::Entry; require MT::Category; require MT::Author; my($iter); ## Load list of categories for display in filter pulldown (and selection ## pulldown on power edit page). my(@c_data, %cats); $iter = MT::Category->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }); while (my $cat = $iter->()) { $cats{ $cat->id } = $cat->label; push @c_data, { category_id => $cat->id, category_label => MT::Util::encode_js($cat->label) }; } @c_data = sort { $a->{category_label} cmp $b->{category_label} } @c_data; my $i = 0; for my $row (@c_data) { $row->{category_index} = $i++; } $param{category_loop} = \@c_data; ## Load list of authors for display in filter pulldown (and selection ## pulldown on power edit page). my(@a_data, %authors); $iter = MT::Author->load_iter(undef, { 'join' => [ 'MT::Permission', 'author_id', { blog_id => $blog_id } ] }); while (my $author = $iter->()) { $authors{ $author->id } = $author->name; push @a_data, { author_id => $author->id, author_name => MT::Util::encode_js($author->name) }; } @a_data = sort { $a->{author_name} cmp $b->{author_name} } @a_data; $i = 0; for my $row (@a_data) { $row->{author_index} = $i++; } $param{author_loop} = \@a_data; $iter = MT::Entry->load_iter(\%terms, \%arg); my @data; $i = 1; my $is_power_edit = $q->param('is_power_edit'); my(@cat_list, @auth_list); if ($is_power_edit) { @cat_list = sort { $cats{$a} cmp $cats{$b} } keys %cats; @auth_list = sort { $authors{$a} cmp $authors{$b} } keys %authors; } while (my $obj = $iter->()) { my $row = $obj->column_values; $row->{created_on_formatted} = format_ts("%Y.%m.%d", $obj->created_on); $row->{created_on_time_formatted} = format_ts("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $obj->created_on); $row->{author_name} = $authors{ $obj->author_id }; $row->{category_name} = $obj->category ? $obj->category->label : ''; $row->{title_short} = $obj->title; unless ($row->{title_short}) { my $title = remove_html($obj->text); $row->{title_short} = substr($title, 0, 22) . '...'; } $row->{title_short} = substr($row->{title_short}, 0, 22) . '...' if length($row->{title_short}) > 25; $row->{title_short} = encode_html($row->{title_short}, 1); $row->{status_text} = $app->translate(MT::Entry::status_text($obj->status)); $row->{"status_$row->{status_text}"} = 1; $row->{entry_odd} = $i++ % 2 ? 1 : 0; $row->{has_edit_access} = $perms->can_edit_all_posts || $obj->author_id == $app->{author}->id; if ($is_power_edit) { $row->{is_editable} = $row->{has_edit_access}; ## This is annoying. In order to generate and pre-select the ## category, author, and status pull down menus, we need to ## have a separate *copy* of the list of categories and ## authors for every entry listed, so that each row in the list ## can "know" whether it is selected for this entry or not. my @this_c_data; my $this_category_id = $obj->category ? $obj->category->id : undef; for my $c_id (@cat_list) { push @this_c_data, { category_label => $cats{$c_id}, category_id => $c_id }; $this_c_data[-1]{category_is_selected} = $this_category_id && $this_category_id == $c_id ? 1 : 0; } $row->{row_category_loop} = \@this_c_data; my @this_a_data; my $this_author_id = $obj->author_id; for my $a_id (@auth_list) { push @this_a_data, { author_name => $authors{$a_id}, author_id => $a_id }; $this_a_data[-1]{author_is_selected} = $this_author_id && $this_author_id == $a_id ? 1 : 0; } $row->{row_author_loop} = \@this_a_data; } push @data, $row; } if ($limit ne 'none') { ## We tried to load $limit + 1 entries above; if we actually got ## $limit + 1 back, we know we have another page of entries. my $have_next_entry = scalar @data == $limit + 1; pop @data if $have_next_entry; if ($offset) { $param{prev_offset} = 1; $param{prev_offset_val} = $offset - $limit; } if ($have_next_entry) { $param{next_offset} = 1; $param{next_offset_val} = $offset + $limit; } } $param{object_loop} = \@data; $param{is_power_edit} = $is_power_edit; $param{saved_deleted} = $q->param('saved_deleted'); $param{saved} = $q->param('saved'); $param{limit} = $limit; $param{offset} = $offset; $app->build_page("list_entry.tmpl", \%param); } sub save_entries { my $app = shift; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_post || $perms->can_edit_all_posts; my $q = $app->{query}; my @p = $q->param; require MT::Entry; require MT::Placement; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my $this_author_id = $app->{author}->id; for my $p (@p) { next unless $p =~ /^category_id_(\d+)/; my $id = $1; my $entry = MT::Entry->load($id); return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_edit_entry($entry, $app->{author}); my $author_id = $q->param('author_id_' . $id); $entry->author_id($author_id ? $author_id : 0); $entry->status(scalar $q->param('status_' . $id)); $entry->title(scalar $q->param('title_' . $id)); my $co = $q->param('created_on_' . $id); unless ($co =~ m!(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?!) { return $app->error($app->translate( "Invalid date '[_1]'; authored on dates must be in the " . "format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.", $co)); } my $s = $6 || 0; my $ts = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $s; $entry->created_on($ts); $entry->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Saving entry '[_1]' failed: [_2]", $entry->title, $entry->errstr)); my $cat_id = $q->param($p); my $place = MT::Placement->load({ entry_id => $id, is_primary => 1 }); if ($place && !$cat_id) { $place->remove or return $app->error($app->translate( "Removing placement failed: [_1]", $place->errstr)); } elsif ($cat_id) { unless ($place) { $place = MT::Placement->new; $place->entry_id($id); $place->blog_id($blog_id); $place->is_primary(1); } $place->category_id(scalar $q->param($p)); $place->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Saving placement failed: [_1]", $place->errstr)); } } my $url = $app->uri . '?__mode=list_entries&blog_id=' . $blog_id . '&is_power_edit=1' . $q->param('filter_args'); if (my $o = $q->param('offset')) { $url .= '&offset=' . $o; } if (my $l = $q->param('limit')) { $url .= '&limit=' . $l; } $app->redirect($url . '&saved=1'); } sub save_entry { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; if ($q->param('preview_entry')) { return $app->preview_entry; } elsif ($q->param('reedit')) { $q->param('_type', 'entry'); return $app->edit_object; } my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); my $id = $q->param('id'); if (!$id) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_post; } require MT::Entry; my($obj); if ($id) { $obj = MT::Entry->load($id); return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_edit_entry($obj, $app->{author}); } else { $obj = MT::Entry->new; } my $status_old = $id ? $obj->status : 0; my $names = $obj->column_names; ## Get rid of category_id param, because we don't want to just set it ## in the Entry record; save it for later when we will set the Placement. my $cat_id = $q->param('category_id'); $app->delete_param('category_id'); if ($id) { ## Delete the author_id param (if present), because we don't want to ## change the existing author. $app->delete_param('author_id'); } my %values = map { $_ => scalar $q->param($_) } @$names; ## Strip linefeed characters. for my $col (qw( text excerpt text_more keywords )) { $values{$col} =~ tr/\r//d if $values{$col}; } $obj->set_values(\%values); $obj->allow_pings(0) if !defined $q->param('allow_pings'); my $co = $q->param('created_on_manual'); if ($co && $co ne $q->param('created_on_old')) { unless ($co =~ m!(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?!) { return $app->error($app->translate( "Invalid date '[_1]'; authored on dates must be in the " . "format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.", $co)); } my $s = $6 || 0; my $ts = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $s; $obj->created_on($ts); } my $is_new = $obj->id ? 0 : 1; $obj->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Saving entry failed: [_1]", $obj->errstr)); $app->log("'" . $app->{author}->name . "' added entry #" . $obj->id) if $is_new; ## Now that the object is saved, we can be certain that it has an ## ID. So we can now add/update/remove the primary placement. require MT::Placement; my $place = MT::Placement->load({ entry_id => $obj->id, is_primary => 1 }); if ($cat_id) { unless ($place) { $place = MT::Placement->new; $place->entry_id($obj->id); $place->blog_id($obj->blog_id); $place->is_primary(1); } $place->category_id($cat_id); $place->save; } else { if ($place) { $place->remove; } } ## If the saved status is RELEASE, or if the *previous* status was ## RELEASE, then rebuild entry archives, indexes, and send the ## XML-RPC ping(s). Otherwise the status was and is HOLD, and we ## don't have to do anything. if ($obj->status == MT::Entry::RELEASE() || $status_old eq MT::Entry::RELEASE()) { return $app->redirect($app->uri . '?__mode=start_rebuild&blog_id=' . $obj->blog_id . '&next=0&type=entry-' . $obj->id . '&entry_id=' . $obj->id . '&is_bm=' . $q->param('is_bm') . '&is_new=' . $is_new . '&old_status=' . $status_old); } $app->_finish_rebuild_ping($obj, !$id); } sub _finish_rebuild_ping { my $app = shift; my($entry, $is_new, $ping_errors) = @_; if ($app->{query}->param('is_bm')) { require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($entry->blog_id); my %param = ( blog_id => $blog->id, blog_name => $blog->name, blog_url => $blog->site_url, entry_id => $entry->id, status_released => $entry->status == MT::Entry::RELEASE() ); $app->build_page("bm_posted.tmpl", \%param); } else { $app->redirect($app->uri . '?__mode=view&_type=entry&blog_id=' . $entry->blog_id . '&id=' . $entry->id . ($is_new ? '&saved_added=1' : '&saved_changes=1') . ($ping_errors ? '&ping_errors=1' : '')); } } sub edit_placements { my $app = shift; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); my $q = $app->{query}; my $entry_id = $q->param('entry_id'); require MT::Entry; my $entry = MT::Entry->load($entry_id); return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_edit_entry($entry, $app->{author}); my %param; require MT::Category; my %cats; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my $iter = MT::Category->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }); my $i = 0; while (my $cat = $iter->()) { $cats{ $cat->id } = $cat->label; } require MT::Placement; $iter = MT::Placement->load_iter({ entry_id => $entry_id, is_primary => 0 }); my $prim_category_id = $entry->category ? $entry->category->id : undef; my(@p_data, %place); while (my $place = $iter->()) { $place{$place->category_id} = 1; push @p_data, { place_category_id => $place->category_id, place_category_label => $cats{$place->category_id} }; } $param{placement_loop} = \@p_data; my @c_data; for my $id (keys %cats) { if (!exists $place{$id} && (!$prim_category_id || $prim_category_id != $id)) { push @c_data, { category_id => $id, category_label => $cats{ $id } }; } } @c_data = sort { $a->{category_label} cmp $b->{category_label} } @c_data; $param{category_loop} = \@c_data; $param{entry_id} = $entry_id; $param{saved} = $q->param('saved') ? 1 : 0; $app->build_page('edit_placements.tmpl', \%param); } sub save_placements { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); my $entry_id = $q->param('entry_id'); my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); require MT::Entry; my $entry = MT::Entry->load($entry_id); return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_edit_entry($entry, $app->{author}); my @cat_ids = $q->param('category_id'); require MT::Placement; my @place = MT::Placement->load({ entry_id => $entry_id, is_primary => 0 }); for my $place (@place) { $place->remove; } for my $cat_id (@cat_ids) { ## Check for the stupid dummy option we have to add in order to ## get rid of the jumping select box on Mac IE. next if $cat_id == -1; my $place = MT::Placement->new; $place->entry_id($entry_id); $place->blog_id($blog_id); $place->is_primary(0); $place->category_id($cat_id); $place->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Saving placement failed: [_1]", $place->errstr)); } $app->redirect($app->uri . "?__mode=edit_placements&entry_id=$entry_id&" . 'blog_id=' . $blog_id . '&saved=1'); } sub list_categories { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_edit_categories; require MT::Category; require MT::Placement; require MT::Author; require MT::Trackback; require MT::TBPing; my %param; my %authors; my @data; my $iter = MT::Category->load_iter({ blog_id => $q->param('blog_id') }); my $cols = MT::Category->column_names; while (my $obj = $iter->()) { my $row = { }; for my $col (@$cols) { $row->{'category_' . $col} = $obj->$col(); } $row->{category_label} = encode_html($row->{category_label}, 1); $row->{category_entrycount} = MT::Placement->count({ category_id => $obj->id }); if (my $tb = MT::Trackback->load({ category_id => $obj->id })) { $row->{has_tb} = 1; $row->{category_tbcount} = MT::TBPing->count({ tb_id => $tb->id }); } my $aid = $obj->author_id; $authors{$aid} ||= MT::Author->load($aid); $row->{category_author} = $authors{$aid} ? $authors{$aid}->name : ''; $row->{is_object} = 1; push @data, $row; } @data = sort { $a->{category_label} cmp $b->{category_label} } @data; for (1..5) { push @data, { category_id => 'new', category_label => '' }; } $param{category_loop} = \@data; $param{saved} = $q->param('saved'); $param{saved_deleted} = $q->param('saved_deleted'); $app->build_page('edit_categories.tmpl', \%param); } sub save_categories { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_edit_categories; require MT::Category; my @new = $q->param('category-new'); my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); for my $label (@new) { next unless $label; my $cat = MT::Category->new; $cat->blog_id($blog_id); $cat->label($label); $cat->author_id($app->{author}->id); $cat->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Saving category failed: [_1]", $cat->errstr)); } for my $p ($q->param) { my($id) = $p =~ /^category-(\d+)/; next unless $id; my $cat = MT::Category->load($id) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Unknown category ID '[_1]'", $id)); $cat->label( $q->param($p) ); $cat->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Saving category failed: [_1]", $cat->errstr)); } $app->redirect($app->uri . '?__mode=list_cat&blog_id=' . $blog_id . '&saved=1'); } sub cfg_prefs { my $q = $_[0]->{query}; $q->param('_type', 'blog'); $q->param('id', scalar $q->param('blog_id')); $_[0]->edit_object({ output => 'cfg_prefs.tmpl' }); } sub cfg_archives { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); return $app->error($app->translate( "You do not have permission to configure the blog")) unless $perms->can_edit_config; require MT::Blog; require MT::TemplateMap; require MT::Template; my %params; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); my %at = map { $_ => 1 } split /\s*,\s*/, $blog->archive_type; my $iter = MT::Template->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }); my(%tmpl_name); while (my $tmpl = $iter->()) { my $type = $tmpl->type; next unless $type eq 'archive' || $type eq 'category' || $type eq 'individual'; $tmpl_name{$tmpl->id} = $tmpl->name; } my %map; my $total_rows = 2; $iter = MT::TemplateMap->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }); while (my $map = $iter->()) { push @{ $map{ $map->archive_type } }, { map_id => $map->id, archive_type => $map->archive_type, map_template_id => $map->template_id, map_file_template => encode_html($map->file_template, 1), map_is_preferred => $map->is_preferred, map_template_name => $tmpl_name{ $map->template_id }, }; $total_rows++; } my @data; for my $at (qw( Individual Daily Weekly Monthly Category )) { $map{$at} = [] unless $map{$at}; my @map = sort { $a->{map_template_name} cmp $b->{map_template_name} } @{ $map{$at} }; push @data, { archive_type_translated => $app->translate($at), archive_type => $at, template_map => \@map, map_count => (scalar @map) + 2, is_selected => $at{$at}, }; } my %param = ( archive_types => \@data ); $param{saved} = 1 if $q->param('saved'); $param{saved_deleted} = 1 if $q->param('saved_deleted'); $param{saved_added} = 1 if $q->param('saved_added'); $app->build_page('cfg_archives.tmpl', \%param); } sub cfg_archives_save { my $app = shift; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); return $app->error($app->translate( "You do not have permission to configure the blog")) unless $perms->can_edit_config; my $q = $app->{query}; require MT::TemplateMap; require MT::Blog; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); my @types = $q->param('archive_type'); if (!@types) { $blog->archive_type_preferred(''); $blog->archive_type('None'); } else { $blog->archive_type(join ',', @types); if (!$blog->archive_type_preferred) { $blog->archive_type_preferred($types[0]); } } $blog->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Saving blog failed: [_1]", $blog->errstr)); my @p = $q->param; for my $p (@p) { if ($p =~ /^archive_tmpl_preferred_(\w+)$/) { my $at = $1; my $map_id = $q->param($p); my @all = MT::TemplateMap->load({ blog_id => $blog_id, archive_type => $at }); for my $map (@all) { next if $map->id eq $map_id; $map->is_preferred(0); $map->save; } my $map = MT::TemplateMap->load($map_id); $map->is_preferred(1); $map->save; } elsif ($p =~ /^archive_file_tmpl_(\d+)$/) { my $map_id = $1; my $map = MT::TemplateMap->load($map_id); $map->file_template($q->param($p)); $map->save; } } $app->redirect($app->uri . "?__mode=cfg_archives&blog_id=$blog_id&saved=1"); } sub cfg_archives_add { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); return $app->error($app->translate( "You do not have permission to configure the blog")) unless $perms->can_edit_config; require MT::Template; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my $iter = MT::Template->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }); my(@tmpl); while (my $tmpl = $iter->()) { my $type = $tmpl->type; next unless $type eq 'archive' || $type eq 'category' || $type eq 'individual'; push @tmpl, { template_id => $tmpl->id, template_name => $tmpl->name }; } @tmpl = sort { $a->{template_name} cmp $b->{template_name} } @tmpl; $app->build_page('cfg_archives_add.tmpl', { templates => \@tmpl }); } sub cfg_archives_do_add { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); return $app->error($app->translate( "You do not have permission to configure the blog")) unless $perms->can_edit_config; require MT::TemplateMap; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my $at = $q->param('archive_type'); my $count = MT::TemplateMap->count({ blog_id => $blog_id, archive_type => $at }); my $map = MT::TemplateMap->new; $map->is_preferred($count ? 0 : 1); $map->template_id(scalar $q->param('template_id')); $map->blog_id($blog_id); $map->archive_type($at); $map->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Saving map failed: [_1]", $map->errstr)); $app->build_page('reload_opener.tmpl', { url => $app->uri . '?__mode=cfg_archives&blog_id=' . $blog_id . '&saved_added=1' }); } sub list_blogs { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; require MT::Blog; require MT::Permission; require MT::Entry; require MT::Comment; my $author = $app->{author}; my @perms = MT::Permission->load({ author_id => $author->id }); my %perms = map { $_->blog_id => $_ } @perms; my @blogs = MT::Blog->load; my @data; my %param; my $i = 1; for my $blog (@blogs) { my $blog_id = $blog->id; my $perms = $perms{ $blog_id }; next unless $perms && $perms->role_mask; $param{can_edit_authors} = 1 if $perms->can_edit_authors; my $row = { id => $blog->id, name => uc($blog->name), description => $blog->description }; $row->{is_odd} = $i++ % 2 ? 1 : 0; $row->{num_entries} = MT::Entry->count({ blog_id => $blog_id }); $row->{num_comments} = MT::Comment->count({ blog_id => $blog_id }); $row->{num_authors} = 0; my $iter = MT::Permission->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }); while (my $p = $iter->()) { $row->{num_authors}++ if $p->role_mask > 0; } $row->{can_delete} = $perms->can_edit_config; push @data, $row; } $param{blog_loop} = \@data; $param{can_create_blog} = $author->can_create_blog; $param{can_view_log} = $author->can_view_log; $param{saved_deleted} = $q->param('saved_deleted'); $app->build_page('list_blog.tmpl', \%param); } sub preview_entry { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; require MT::Entry; require MT::Builder; require MT::Template::Context; require MT::Blog; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); my $entry = MT::Entry->new; $entry->title($q->param('title')); $entry->text($q->param('text')); $entry->text_more($q->param('text_more')); $entry->convert_breaks(scalar $q->param('convert_breaks')); my $ctx = MT::Template::Context->new; $ctx->stash('entry', $entry); $ctx->stash('blog', $blog); my $build = MT::Builder->new; my $preview_code = <<'HTML';


<$MTEntryBody$> <$MTEntryMore$> HTML my $tokens = $build->compile($ctx, $preview_code) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Parse error: [_1]", $build->errstr)); defined(my $html = $build->build($ctx, $tokens)) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Build error: [_1]", $build->errstr)); my %param = ( preview_body => $html ); if (my $id = $q->param('id')) { $param{id} = $id; } $param{new_object} = $param{id} ? 0 : 1; my $cols = MT::Entry->column_names; my @data = ({ data_name => 'author_id', data_value => $app->{author}->id }); for my $col (@$cols) { next if $col eq 'created_on' || $col eq 'created_by' || $col eq 'modified_on' || $col eq 'modified_by'; push @data, { data_name => $col, data_value => encode_html(scalar $q->param($col), 1) }; } for my $date (qw( created_on_old created_on_manual )) { push @data, { data_name => $date, data_value => scalar $q->param($date) }; } $param{entry_loop} = \@data; $app->build_page('preview_entry.tmpl', \%param); } sub rebuild_confirm { my $app = shift; my $blog_id = $app->{query}->param('blog_id'); require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); my $at = $blog->archive_type || ''; my(@at, @data); if ($at && $at ne 'None') { @at = split /,/, $at; @data = map { { archive_type => $app->translate($_) } } @at; } my $order = join ',', @at, 'index'; require MT::Entry; my $total = MT::Entry->count({ blog_id => $blog_id }); my %param = ( archive_type_loop => \@data, build_order => $order, build_next => 0, total_entries => $total ); if (my $tmpl_id = $app->{query}->param('tmpl_id')) { require MT::Template; my $tmpl = MT::Template->load($tmpl_id); $param{index_tmpl_id} = $tmpl->id; $param{index_tmpl_name} = $tmpl->name; } $app->build_page('rebuild_confirm.tmpl', \%param); } my %Limit_Multipliers = ( Individual => 1, Daily => 2, Weekly => 5, Monthly => 10, ); sub start_rebuild_pages { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $type = $q->param('type'); my $next = $q->param('next'); my @order = split /,/, $type; my $type_name = $order[$next]; my $total_entries = $q->param('total_entries'); my %param = ( build_type => $type, build_next => $next, total_entries => $total_entries, build_type_name => $type_name ); if (my $mult = $Limit_Multipliers{$type_name}) { $param{offset} = 0; $param{limit} = $app->{cfg}->EntriesPerRebuild * $mult; $param{is_individual} = 1; $param{indiv_range} = "1 - " . ($param{limit} > $total_entries ? $total_entries : $param{limit}); } elsif ($type_name =~ /^index-(\d+)$/) { my $tmpl_id = $1; require MT::Template; my $tmpl = MT::Template->load($tmpl_id); $param{build_type_name} = "index template '" . $tmpl->name . "'"; $param{is_one_index} = 1; } elsif ($type_name =~ /^entry-(\d+)$/) { my $entry_id = $1; require MT::Entry; my $entry = MT::Entry->load($entry_id); $param{build_type_name} = "entry '" . $entry->title . "'"; $param{is_entry} = 1; $param{entry_id} = $entry_id; $param{is_bm} = $q->param('is_bm'); $param{is_new} = $q->param('is_new'); $param{old_status} = $q->param('old_status'); } $param{is_full_screen} = $param{is_entry} && !$param{is_bm}; $app->build_page('rebuilding.tmpl', \%param); } sub rebuild_pages { my $app = shift; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); require MT::Entry; require MT::Blog; my $q = $app->{query}; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); my $order = $q->param('type'); my @order = split /,/, $order; my $next = $q->param('next'); my $done = 0; my $type = $order[$next]; $next++; $done++ if $next >= @order; my($offset, $limit); my $total_entries = $q->param('total_entries'); ## Tells MT::_rebuild_entry_archive_type to cache loaded templates so ## that each template is only loaded once. $app->{cache_templates} = 1; my($tmpl_saved); if ($type eq 'all') { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_rebuild; $app->rebuild( BlogID => $blog_id ) or return; } elsif ($type eq 'index') { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_rebuild; $app->rebuild_indexes( BlogID => $blog_id ) or return; } elsif ($type =~ /^index-(\d+)$/) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_rebuild; my $tmpl_id = $1; require MT::Template; $tmpl_saved = MT::Template->load($tmpl_id); $app->rebuild_indexes( BlogID => $blog_id, Template => $tmpl_saved, Force => 1 ) or return; $order = "index template '" . $tmpl_saved->name . "'"; } elsif ($type =~ /^entry-(\d+)$/) { my $entry_id = $1; require MT::Entry; my $entry = MT::Entry->load($entry_id); return $app->error("Permission denied.") unless $perms->can_edit_entry($entry, $app->{author}); $app->rebuild_entry( Entry => $entry, BuildDependencies => 1 ) or return; $order = "entry '" . $entry->title . "'"; } elsif ($Limit_Multipliers{$type}) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_rebuild; $offset = $q->param('offset') || 0; $limit = $q->param('limit'); if ($offset < $total_entries) { $app->rebuild( BlogID => $blog_id, ArchiveType => $type, NoIndexes => 1, Offset => $offset, Limit => $limit ) or return; $offset += $limit; } if ($offset < $total_entries) { $done-- if $done; $next--; } else { $offset = 0; } } elsif ($type) { return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_rebuild; $app->rebuild( BlogID => $blog_id, ArchiveType => $type, NoIndexes => 1 ) or return; } unless ($done) { my $type_name = $order[$next]; ## If we're moving on to the next rebuild step, recalculate the ## limit. if (defined($offset) && $offset == 0) { if (my $mult = $Limit_Multipliers{$type_name}) { $limit = $app->{cfg}->EntriesPerRebuild * $mult; } } my %param = ( build_type => $order, build_next => $next, build_type_name => $type_name, total_entries => $total_entries, offset => $offset, limit => $limit, is_bm => scalar $q->param('is_bm'), entry_id => scalar $q->param('entry_id'), is_new => scalar $q->param('is_new'), old_status => scalar $q->param('old_status') ); if ($Limit_Multipliers{$type_name}) { $param{is_individual} = 1; $param{indiv_range} = sprintf "%d - %d", $offset+1, $offset + $limit > $total_entries ? $total_entries : $offset + $limit; } $app->build_page('rebuilding.tmpl', \%param); } else { if ($q->param('entry_id')) { require MT::Entry; my $entry = MT::Entry->load(scalar $q->param('entry_id')); require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($entry->blog_id); my $list = $app->needs_ping( Entry => $entry, Blog => $blog, OldStatus => scalar $q->param('old_status') ); if ($entry->status == MT::Entry::RELEASE() && $list) { my @urls = map { { url => $_ } } @$list; $app->build_page('pinging.tmpl', { blog_id => $blog->id, entry_id => $entry->id, old_status => scalar $q->param('old_status'), is_new => scalar $q->param('is_new'), url_list => \@urls, is_bm => scalar $q->param('is_bm') }); } else { $app->_finish_rebuild_ping($entry, scalar $q->param('is_new')); } } else { my $all = $order =~ /,/; my $type = $order; my $is_one_index = $order =~ /index template/; my $is_entry = $order =~ /entry/; my %param = ( all => $all, type => $type, is_one_index => $is_one_index, is_entry => $is_entry ); if ($is_one_index) { $param{tmpl_url} = $blog->site_url; $param{tmpl_url} .= '/' if $param{tmpl_url} !~ m!/$!; $param{tmpl_url} .= $tmpl_saved->outfile; } $app->build_page('rebuilt.tmpl', \%param); } } } sub send_pings { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; require MT::Entry; require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load(scalar $q->param('blog_id')); my $entry = MT::Entry->load(scalar $q->param('entry_id')); ## MT::ping_and_save pings each of the necessary URLs, then processes ## the return value from MT::ping to update the list of URLs pinged ## and not successfully pinged. It returns the return value from ## MT::ping for further processing. If a fatal error occurs, it returns ## undef. my $results = $app->ping_and_save(Blog => $blog, Entry => $entry, OldStatus => scalar $q->param('old_status')) or return; my $has_errors = 0; for my $res (@$results) { $has_errors++, $app->log("Ping '$res->{url}' failed: $res->{error}") unless $res->{good}; } $app->_finish_rebuild_ping($entry, scalar $q->param('is_new'), $has_errors); } sub edit_permissions { my $app = shift; my %param = $_[0] ? %{ $_[0] } : (); my $q = $app->{query}; my $author = $app->{author}; require MT::Permission; require MT::Blog; require MT::Author; my @auth_perms = MT::Permission->load({ author_id => $author->id }); ## @auth_perms is a list of Permissions for this user. List the ## blogs for which user has can_edit_authors permissions. my $all_perms = MT::Permission->perms; my $author_id = $q->param('author_id'); $param{edit_author_id} = $author_id; my $iter = MT::Author->load_iter; my @a_data; while (my $author = $iter->()) { push @a_data, { author_id => $author->id, author_name => $author->name }; if ($author_id && $author->id == $author_id) { $a_data[-1]{author_selected} = 1; $param{selected_author_name} = $author->name; $param{can_create_blog} = $author->can_create_blog; $param{can_view_log} = $author->can_view_log; } } $param{author_loop} = \@a_data; my(@data, @o_data); my $has_permission = 0; for my $perms (@auth_perms) { next unless $perms->can_edit_authors; $has_permission++; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($perms->blog_id); my $row = { blog_name => $blog->name, blog_id => $blog->id, author_id => $author_id }; if ($param{checked_blog_ids} && $param{checked_blog_ids}{$blog->id}) { $row->{is_checked} = 1; } my $p = MT::Permission->load({ blog_id => $blog->id, author_id => $author_id }); if ($p && $p->role_mask) { my @p_data; for my $ref (@$all_perms) { my $meth = 'can_' . $ref->[1]; push @p_data, { have_access => $p->$meth(), prompt => $ref->[2], blog_id => $blog->id, author_id => $author_id, mask => $ref->[0] }; } my $break = @p_data % 2 ? int(@p_data / 2) + 1 : @p_data / 2; $row->{perm_loop1} = [ @p_data[0..$break-1] ]; $row->{perm_loop2} = [ @p_data[$break..$#p_data] ]; push @data, $row; } else { push @o_data, $row; } } return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $has_permission; $param{blog_loop} = \@data; $param{blog_no_access_loop} = \@o_data; $param{saved_add_to_blog} = $q->param('saved_add_to_blog'); $param{saved} = $q->param('saved'); $app->build_page('edit_permissions.tmpl', \%param); } sub save_permissions { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; require MT::Author; my $my_author_id = $app->{author}->id; my $author_id = $q->param('author_id'); my $author = MT::Author->load($author_id); $author->can_create_blog($q->param('can_create_blog') ? 1 : 0); $author->can_view_log($q->param('can_view_log') ? 1 : 0); $author->save; for my $p ($q->param) { if ($p =~ /^role_mask-(\d+)$/) { my($blog_id) = ($1); my $perms = MT::Permission->load({ author_id => $my_author_id, blog_id => $blog_id }); return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms && $perms->can_edit_authors; my $pe = $my_author_id == $author_id ? $perms : MT::Permission->load({ author_id => $author_id, blog_id => $blog_id }); if (!$pe) { $pe = MT::Permission->new; $pe->blog_id($blog_id); $pe->author_id($author_id); } my $mask = 0; for my $val ($q->param($p)) { $mask += $val; } $pe->role_mask($mask); $pe->save; } } my $url = $app->uri . '?__mode=edit_permissions&author_id=' . $author_id . '&saved=1'; if (my $blog_id = $q->param('add_role_mask')) { my $pe = MT::Permission->load({ author_id => $author_id, blog_id => $blog_id }); if (!$pe) { $pe = MT::Permission->new; $pe->blog_id($blog_id); $pe->author_id($author_id); } $pe->can_post(1); $pe->save; require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); $url .= '&saved_add_to_blog=' . $blog->name; } $app->redirect($url); } sub send_notify { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $entry_id = $q->param('entry_id') or return $app->error($app->translate("No entry ID provided")); require MT::Entry; require MT::Blog; require MT::Util; my $entry = MT::Entry->load($entry_id) or return $app->error($app->translate("No such entry '[_1]'", $entry_id)); my $blog = MT::Blog->load($entry->blog_id); my $author = $entry->author; return $app->error($app->translate( "No email address for author '[_1]'", $author->name)) unless $author->email; my $body = ''; my $cols = 72; my $name = $app->translate("[_1] Update: [_2]", $blog->name, $entry->title); my $fill_len = $cols - length($name) - 2; $fill_len++ if $fill_len % 2; $name = ('(' x ($fill_len/2)) . ' ' . $name . ' ' . (')' x ($fill_len/2)); $body .= $name . "\n\n"; my @ts = offset_time_list(time, $blog); my $ts = sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $ts[5]+1900, $ts[4]+1, @ts[3,2,1,0]; my $date = format_ts('%B %e, %Y', $ts, $blog); my $fill_left = ' ' x int(($cols - length($date)) / 2); $body .= "$fill_left$date\n\n\n"; $body .= ('-' x $cols) . "\n\n"; require Text::Wrap; $Text::Wrap::columns = $cols; if ($q->param('send_excerpt')) { my $excerpt = $entry->excerpt || MT::Util::first_n_words($entry->text, $blog->words_in_excerpt || 40); local $Text::Wrap::columns = $cols - 4; $body .= Text::Wrap::wrap(" ", " ", $excerpt) . "\n\n"; $body .= ('-' x $cols) . "\n\n"; } $body .= $entry->permalink . "\n\n"; $body .= Text::Wrap::wrap('', '', $q->param('message')) . "\n\n"; if ($q->param('send_body')) { $body .= ('-' x $cols) . "\n\n"; $body .= Text::Wrap::wrap('', '', $entry->text) . "\n"; } my $subj = $app->translate("[_1] Update: [_2]", $blog->name, $entry->title); $subj =~ s![\x80-\xFF]!!g; my %head = ( To => $author->email, From => $author->email, Subject => $subj, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '8bit' ); my $charset = $app->{cfg}->PublishCharset || 'iso-8859-1'; $head{'Content-Type'} = qq(text/plain; charset="$charset"); require MT::Notification; my $iter = MT::Notification->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog->id }); my $i = 1; require MT::Mail; MT::Mail->send(\%head, $body) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Error sending mail ([_1]); try another MailTransfer setting?", MT::Mail->errstr)); delete $head{To}; while (my $note = $iter->()) { next unless $note->email; push @{ $head{Bcc} }, $note->email; if ($i++ % 20 == 0) { MT::Mail->send(\%head, $body) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Error sending mail ([_1]); try another MailTransfer setting?", MT::Mail->errstr)); @{ $head{Bcc} } = (); } } if ($head{Bcc} && @{ $head{Bcc} }) { MT::Mail->send(\%head, $body) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Error sending mail ([_1]); try another MailTransfer setting?", MT::Mail->errstr)); } $app->redirect($app->uri . '?__mode=view&_type=entry&blog_id=' . $entry->blog_id . '&id=' . $entry->id . '&saved_notify=1'); } sub start_upload { my $app = shift; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_upload; my $blog_id = $app->{query}->param('blog_id'); require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); $app->build_page('upload.tmpl', { local_archive_path => $blog->archive_path, local_site_path => $blog->site_path, }); } sub upload_file { my $app = shift; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_upload; my $q = $app->{query}; my($fh, $no_upload); if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) { my $up = $q->upload('file'); $no_upload = !$up || !$up->size; $fh = $up->fh if $up; } else { ## Older versions of CGI.pm didn't have an 'upload' method. eval { $fh = $q->upload('file') }; if ($@ && $@ =~ /^Undefined subroutine/) { $fh = $q->param('file'); } $no_upload = !$fh; } my $has_overwrite = $q->param('overwrite_yes') || $q->param('overwrite_no'); return $app->error($app->translate("You did not choose a file to upload.")) if $no_upload && !$has_overwrite; my $fname = $q->param('file') || $q->param('fname'); $fname =~ s!\\!/!g; ## Change backslashes to forward slashes $fname =~ s!^.*/!!; ## Get rid of full directory paths if ($fname =~ m!\.\.|\0|\|!) { return $app->error($app->translate("Invalid filename '[_1]'", $fname)); } my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); require MT::Blog; my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id); my $fmgr = $blog->file_mgr; ## Set up the full path to the local file; this path could start ## at either the Local Site Path or Local Archive Path, and could ## include an extra directory or two in the middle. my($base, $extra_path); if ($q->param('site_path')) { $base = $blog->site_path; $extra_path = $q->param('extra_path_site'); } else { $base = $blog->archive_path; $extra_path = $q->param('extra_path_archive'); } my $extra_path_save = $extra_path; my $path = $base; if ($extra_path) { if ($extra_path =~ m!\.\.|\0|\|!) { return $app->error($app->translate( "Invalid extra path '[_1]'", $extra_path)); } $path = File::Spec->catdir($path, $extra_path); ## Untaint. We already checked for security holes in $extra_path. ($path) = $path =~ /(.+)/s; ## Build out the directory structure if it doesn't exist. DirUmask ## determines the permissions of the new directories. unless ($fmgr->exists($path)) { $fmgr->mkpath($path) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Can't make path '[_1]': [_2]", $path, $fmgr->errstr)); } } $extra_path = File::Spec->catfile($extra_path, $fname); my $local_file = File::Spec->catfile($path, $fname); ## Untaint. We have already tested $fname and $extra_path for security ## issues above, and we have to assume that we can trust the user's ## Local Archive Path setting. So we should be safe. ($local_file) = $local_file =~ /(.+)/s; ## If $local_file already exists, we try to write the upload to a ## tempfile, then ask for confirmation of the upload. if ($fmgr->exists($local_file)) { if ($has_overwrite) { my $tmp = $q->param('temp'); if ($tmp =~ m!([^/]+)$!) { $tmp = $1; } else { return $app->error($app->translate( "Invalid temp file name '[_1]'", $tmp)); } my $tmp_file = File::Spec->catfile($app->{cfg}->TempDir, $tmp); if ($q->param('overwrite_yes')) { $fh = gensym(); open $fh, $tmp_file or return $app->error($app->translate( "Error opening '[_1]': [_2]", $tmp_file, "$!")); } else { if (-e $tmp_file) { unlink($tmp_file) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Error deleting '[_1]': [_2]", $tmp_file, "$!")); } return $app->start_upload; } } else { eval { require File::Temp }; if ($@) { return $app->error($app->translate( "File with name '[_1]' already exists. (Install " . "File::Temp if you'd like to be able to overwrite " . "existing uploaded files.)", $fname)); } my($tmp_fh, $tmp_file) = File::Temp::tempfile(DIR => $app->{cfg}->TempDir); defined(_write_upload($fh, $tmp_fh)) or return $app->error($app->translate( "File with name '[_1]' already exists; Tried to write " . "to tempfile, but open failed: [_2]", $fname, "$!")); my($vol, $path, $tmp) = File::Spec->splitpath($tmp_file); return $app->build_page('upload_confirm.tmpl', { temp => $tmp, extra_path => $extra_path_save, site_path => scalar $q->param('site_path'), fname => $fname }); } } ## File does not exist, or else we have confirmed that we can overwrite. my $umask = oct $app->{cfg}->UploadUmask; my $old = umask($umask); defined(my $bytes = $fmgr->put($fh, $local_file, 'upload')) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Error writing upload to '[_1]': [_2]", $local_file, $fmgr->errstr)); umask($old); ## If we are overwriting the file, that means we still have a temp file ## lying around. Delete it. if ($q->param('overwrite_yes')) { my $tmp = $q->param('temp'); if ($tmp =~ m!([^/]+)$!) { $tmp = $1; } else { return $app->error($app->translate( "Invalid temp file name '[_1]'", $tmp)); } my $tmp_file = File::Spec->catfile($app->{cfg}->TempDir, $tmp); unlink($tmp_file) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Error deleting '[_1]': [_2]", $tmp_file, "$!")); } ## Use Image::Size to check if the uploaded file is an image, and if so, ## record additional image info (width, height). We first rewind the ## filehandle $fh, then pass it in to imgsize. seek $fh, 0, 0; eval { require Image::Size; }; return $app->error($app->translate( "Perl module Image::Size is required to determine " . "width and height of uploaded images.")) if $@; my($w, $h, $id) = Image::Size::imgsize($fh); ## We are going to use $extra_path as the filename and as the url passed ## in to the templates. So, we want to replace all of the '\' characters ## with '/' characters so that it won't look like backslashed characters. ## Also, get rid of a slash at the front, if present. $extra_path =~ s!\\!/!g; $extra_path =~ s!^/!!; my %param = ( width => $w, height => $h, bytes => $bytes, image_type => $id, fname => $extra_path, site_path => scalar $q->param('site_path') ); my $url = $q->param('site_path') ? $blog->site_url : $blog->archive_url; $url .= '/' unless $url =~ m!/$!; $extra_path =~ s!^/!!; $url .= $extra_path; $param{url} = $url; $param{is_image} = defined($w) && defined($h); if ($param{is_image}) { eval { require MT::Image; MT::Image->new or die; }; $param{do_thumb} = !$@ ? 1 : 0; } $app->build_page('upload_complete.tmpl', \%param); } sub _write_upload { my($upload_fh, $dest_fh) = @_; my $fh = gensym(); if (ref($dest_fh) eq 'GLOB') { $fh = $dest_fh; } else { open $fh, ">$dest_fh" or return; } binmode $fh; binmode $upload_fh; my($bytes, $data) = (0); while (my $len = read $upload_fh, $data, 8192) { print $fh $data; $bytes += $len; } close $fh; $bytes; } sub start_search_replace { my $app = shift; my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied.")) unless $perms->can_post; $app->build_page('search_replace.tmpl', { search_cols_title => 1, search_cols_text => 1, search_cols_text_more => 1, search_cols_keywords => 1, }); } sub search_replace { my $app = shift; my $q = $app->{query}; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id'); my $perms = $app->{perms} or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions")); my($search, $replace, $do_replace, $case, $is_regex) = map scalar $q->param($_), qw( search replace do_replace case is_regex ); my @cols = $q->param('search_cols'); ## Sometimes we need to pass in the search columns like 'title,text', so ## we look for a comma (not a valid character in a column name) and split ## on it if it's there. if ($cols[0] =~ /,/) { @cols = split /,/, $cols[0]; } unless ($is_regex) { $search = quotemeta($search); $search = '(?i)' . $search unless $case; } require MT::Entry; my $iter = MT::Entry->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }, { 'sort' => 'created_on', direction => 'descend' }); my @data; my $i = 1; my @to_save; my $author_id = $app->{author}->id; while (my $entry = $iter->()) { next unless $perms->can_edit_entry($entry, $app->{author}); my $match = 0; for my $col (@cols) { my $text = $entry->$col(); $text = '' unless defined $text; if ($do_replace) { $match++ if $text =~ s!$search!$replace!go; $entry->$col($text); } else { $match = $text =~ m!$search!o; last if $match; } } if ($match && $do_replace) { push @to_save, $entry; } if ($match) { my $title = $entry->title; unless ($title) { $title = remove_html($entry->text); $title = substr($title, 0, 22) . '...'; } push @data, { entry_title => encode_html($title, 1), entry_id => $entry->id, entry_created_on => format_ts("%Y.%m.%d", $entry->created_on), is_odd => $i++ % 2 ? 1 : 0, }; } } for my $entry (@to_save) { $entry->save or return $app->error($app->translate( "Saving entry failed: [_2]", $entry->errstr)); } my %res = ( have_results => 1, results => \@data, search => scalar $q->param('search'), replace => $replace, do_replace => $do_replace, case => $case, is_regex => $is_regex ); for my $col (@cols) { $res{'search_cols_' . $col} = 1; } $app->build_page('search_replace.tmpl', \%res); } sub export { my $app = shift; $app->{no_print_body} = 1; local $| = 1; $app->send_http_header('text/plain'); require MT::Entry; require MT::Permission; my $q = $app->{query}; my $SEP = ('-' x 8); my $SUB_SEP = ('-' x 5); require MT::Blog; my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id') or return $app->error($app->translate("No blog ID")); my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Load of blog '[_1]' failed: [_2]", $blog_id, MT::Blog->errstr)); $blog->language('en'); my $author_id = $app->{author}->id; my $perms = MT::Permission->load({ author_id => $author_id, blog_id => $blog_id }); return $app->error($app->translate("You do not have export permissions")) unless $perms && $perms->can_edit_config; ## Create template for exporting a single entry require MT::Template; require MT::Template::Context; my $tmpl = MT::Template->new; $tmpl->blog_id($blog_id); $tmpl->name('Export Template'); $tmpl->text(<<'TEXT'); AUTHOR: <$MTEntryAuthor$> TITLE: <$MTEntryTitle$> STATUS: <$MTEntryStatus$> ALLOW COMMENTS: <$MTEntryFlag flag="allow_comments"$> CONVERT BREAKS: <$MTEntryFlag flag="convert_breaks"$> ALLOW PINGS: <$MTEntryFlag flag="allow_pings"$> PRIMARY CATEGORY: <$MTEntryCategory$> CATEGORY: <$MTCategoryLabel$> DATE: <$MTEntryDate format="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"$> ----- BODY: <$MTEntryBody convert_breaks="0"$> ----- EXTENDED BODY: <$MTEntryMore convert_breaks="0"$> ----- EXCERPT: <$MTEntryExcerpt no_generate="1" convert_breaks="0"$> ----- KEYWORDS: <$MTEntryKeywords$> ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: <$MTCommentAuthor$> EMAIL: <$MTCommentEmail$> IP: <$MTCommentIP$> URL: <$MTCommentURL$> DATE: <$MTCommentDate format="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"$> <$MTCommentBody convert_breaks="0"$> ----- PING: TITLE: <$MTPingTitle$> URL: <$MTPingURL$> IP: <$MTPingIP$> BLOG NAME: <$MTPingBlogName$> DATE: <$MTPingDate format="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"$> <$MTPingExcerpt$> ----- -------- TEXT my $iter = MT::Entry->load_iter({ blog_id => $blog_id }, { 'sort' => 'created_on', direction => 'ascend' }); while (my $entry = $iter->()) { my $ctx = MT::Template::Context->new; $ctx->stash('entry', $entry); $ctx->{current_timestamp} = $entry->created_on; my $res = $tmpl->build($ctx) or return $app->error($app->translate( "Export failed on entry '[_1]': [_2]", $entry->title, $tmpl->errstr)); $app->print($res); } 1; } sub do_import { my $app = shift; $app->{no_print_body} = 1; local $| = 1; $app->send_http_header('text/html'); $app->print("

    require MT::Entry;
    require MT::Placement;
    require MT::Category;
    require MT::Author;
    require MT::Permission;

    my $q = $app->{query};
    my $SEP = ('-' x 8);
    my $SUB_SEP = ('-' x 5);

    my(%authors, %categories);
    require MT::Blog;
    my $blog_id = $q->param('blog_id')
        or return $app->error($app->translate("No blog ID"));
    my $blog = MT::Blog->load($blog_id)
        or return $app->error($app->translate(
            "Load of blog '[_1]' failed: [_2]", $blog_id, MT::Blog->errstr));

    ## Determine the author as whom we will import the entries.
    my $author = $app->{author};
    my $author_id = $author->id;
    my $perms = MT::Permission->load({ author_id => $author_id,
                                       blog_id => $blog_id });
    return $app->error($app->translate("You do not have import permissions"))
        unless $perms && $perms->can_edit_config;
    $app->print("Importing entries into blog '", $blog->name, "'\n");
    my $import_as_me = $q->param('import_as_me');
    if ($import_as_me) {
        $app->print("Importing entries as author '", $author->name, "'\n");
    } else {
        $pass = $q->param('password')
            or return $app->error($app->translate(
                "You need to provide a password if you are going to\n" .
                "create new authors for each author listed in your blog.\n"));
        $app->print("Creating new authors for each author found in the blog\n");

    ## Default category for imported entries.
    my $def_cat_id = $q->param('default_cat_id');

    my $t_start = $q->param('title_start');
    my $t_end = $q->param('title_end');
    my $allow_comments = $blog->allow_comments_default;
    my $allow_pings = $blog->allow_pings_default ? 1 : 0;
    my $convert_breaks = $blog->convert_paras;
    my $def_status = $q->param('default_status') || $blog->status_default;

    my $dir = $app->{cfg}->ImportPath;
    opendir DH, $dir or return $app->error($app->translate(
        "Can't open directory '[_1]': [_2]", $dir, "$!"));
    for my $f (readdir DH) {
        next if $f =~ /^\./;
        $app->print("Importing entries from file '$f'\n");
        my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $f);
        open FH, $file
            or return $app->error($app->translate(
                "Can't open file '[_1]': [_2]", $file, "$!"));
        local $/ = $SEP;
        while () {
            my($meta, @pieces) = split /$SUB_SEP/;
            next unless $meta && @pieces;

            ## Create entry object and assign some defaults.
            my $entry = MT::Entry->new;
            $entry->author_id($author_id) if $import_as_me;

            ## Some users may want to import just their GM comments, having
            ## already imported their GM entries. We try to match up the
            ## entries using the created on timestamp, and the import file
            ## tells us not to import an entry with the meta-tag "NO ENTRY".
            my $no_save = 0;

            ## Handle all meta-data: author, category, title, date.
            my $i = -1;
            my($primary_cat_id, @placements);
            my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $meta;
            for my $line (@lines) {
                next unless $line;
                $line =~ s!^\s*!!;
                $line =~ s!\s*$!!;
                my($key, $val) = split /\s*:\s*/, $line, 2;
                if ($key eq 'AUTHOR' && !$import_as_me) {
                    my $author;
                    unless ($author = $authors{$val}) {
                        $author = MT::Author->load({ name => $val });
                    unless ($author) {
                        $author = MT::Author->new;
                        $app->print("Creating new author ('$val')...");
                        if ($author->save) {
                        } else {
                            return $app->error($app->translate(
                                "Saving author failed: [_1]", $author->errstr));
                        $authors{$val} = $author;
                        $app->print("Assigning permissions for new author...");
                        my $perms = MT::Permission->new;
                        if ($perms->save) {
                        } else {
                            return $app->error($app->translate(
                             "Saving permission failed: [_1]", $perms->errstr));
                } elsif ($key eq 'CATEGORY' || $key eq 'PRIMARY CATEGORY') {
                    if ($val) {
                        my $cat;
                        unless ($cat = $categories{$val}) {
                            $cat = MT::Category->load({ label => $val,
                                                        blog_id => $blog_id });
                        unless ($cat) {
                            $cat = MT::Category->new;
                            $app->print("Creating new category ('$val')...");
                            if ($cat->save) {
                            } else {
                                return $app->error($app->translate(
                                 "Saving category failed: [_1]", $cat->errstr));
                            $categories{$val} = $cat;
                        if ($key eq 'CATEGORY') {
                            push @placements, $cat->id;
                        } else {
                            $primary_cat_id = $cat->id;
                } elsif ($key eq 'TITLE') {
                } elsif ($key eq 'DATE') {
                    my $date = $app->_convert_date($val) or return;
                } elsif ($key eq 'STATUS') {
                    my $status = MT::Entry::status_int($val)
                        or return $app->error($app->translate(
                            "Invalid status value '[_1]'", $val));
                } elsif ($key eq 'ALLOW COMMENTS') {
                    $val = 0 unless $val;
                } elsif ($key eq 'CONVERT BREAKS') {
                    $val = 0 unless $val;
                } elsif ($key eq 'ALLOW PINGS') {
                    $val = 0 unless $val;
                    return $app->error("Invalid allow pings value '$val'")
                        unless $val eq 0 || $val eq 1;
                } elsif ($key eq 'NO ENTRY') {
                } elsif ($key eq 'START BODY') {
                    ## Special case for backwards-compatibility with old
                    ## export files: if we see START BODY: on a line, we
                    ## gather up the rest of the lines in meta and package
                    ## them for handling below in the non-meta area.
                    @pieces = ("BODY:\n" . join "\n", @lines[$i+1..$#lines]);
                    last META;

            ## If we're not saving this entry (but rather just using it to
            ## import comments, for example), we need to load the relevant
            ## entry using the timestamp.
            if ($no_save) {
                my $ts = $entry->created_on;
                $entry = MT::Entry->load({ created_on => $ts,
                    blog_id => $blog_id });
                if (!$entry) {
                    $app->print("Can't find existing entry with timestamp " .
                        "'$ts'... skipping comments, and moving on to " .
                        "next entry.\n");
                    next ENTRY_BLOCK;
                } else {
                    $app->print(sprintf "Importing into existing " .
                        "entry %d ('%s')\n", $entry->id, $entry->title);

            ## Deal with non-meta pieces: entry body, extended entry body,
            ## comments. We need to hold the list of comments until after
            ## we have saved the entry, then assign the new entry ID of
            ## the entry to each comment.
            my(@comments, @pings);
            for my $piece (@pieces) {
                $piece =~ s!^\s*!!;
                $piece =~ s!\s*$!!;
                if ($piece =~ s/^BODY:\r?\n//) {
                elsif ($piece =~ s/^EXTENDED BODY:\r?\n//) {
                elsif ($piece =~ s/^EXCERPT:\r?\n//) {
                    $entry->excerpt($piece) if $piece =~ /\S/;
                elsif ($piece =~ s/^KEYWORDS:\r?\n//) {
                    $entry->keywords($piece) if $piece =~ /\S/;
                elsif ($piece =~ s/^COMMENT:\r?\n//) {
                    ## Comments are: AUTHOR, EMAIL, URL, IP, DATE (in any order),
                    ## then body
                    my $comment = MT::Comment->new;
                    my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $piece;
                    my($i, $body_idx) = (0) x 2;
                    for my $line (@lines) {
                        $line =~ s!^\s*!!;
                        my($key, $val) = split /\s*:\s*/, $line, 2;
                        if ($key eq 'AUTHOR') {
                        } elsif ($key eq 'EMAIL') {
                        } elsif ($key eq 'URL') {
                        } elsif ($key eq 'IP') {
                        } elsif ($key eq 'DATE') {
                            my $date = $app->_convert_date($val) or return;
                        } else {
                            ## Now we have reached the body of the comment;
                            ## everything from here until the end of the
                            ## array is body.
                            $body_idx = $i;
                            last COMMENT;
                    $comment->text( join "\n", @lines[$body_idx..$#lines] );
                    push @comments, $comment;
                elsif ($piece =~ s/^PING:\r?\n//) {
                    ## Pings are: TITLE, URL, IP, DATE, BLOG NAME,
                    ## then excerpt
                    require MT::TBPing;
                    my $ping = MT::TBPing->new;
                    my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $piece;
                    my($i, $body_idx) = (0) x 2;
                    for my $line (@lines) {
                        $line =~ s!^\s*!!;
                        my($key, $val) = split /\s*:\s*/, $line, 2;
                        if ($key eq 'TITLE') {
                        } elsif ($key eq 'URL') {
                        } elsif ($key eq 'IP') {
                        } elsif ($key eq 'DATE') {
                            my $date = $app->_convert_date($val) or return;
                        } elsif ($key eq 'BLOG NAME') {
                        } else {
                            ## Now we have reached the ping excerpt;
                            ## everything from here until the end of the
                            ## array is body.
                            $body_idx = $i;
                            last PING;
                    $ping->excerpt( join "\n", @lines[$body_idx..$#lines] );
                    push @pings, $ping;

            ## Assign a title if one is not already assigned.
            unless ($entry->title) {
                my $body = $entry->text;
                if ($t_start && $t_end && $body =~
                    s!\Q$t_start\E(.*?)\Q$t_end\E\s*!!s) {
                    (my $title = $1) =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g;
                } else {
                    $entry->title( MT::Util::first_n_words($body, 5) );

            ## If an entry has comments listed along with it, set
            ## allow_comments to 1 no matter what the default is.
            if (@comments && !$entry->allow_comments) {

            ## If an entry has TrackBack pings listed along with it,
            ## set allow_pings to 1 no matter what the default is.
            if (@pings) {

                ## If the entry has TrackBack pings, we need to make sure
                ## that an MT::Trackback object is created. To do that, we
                ## need to make sure that $entry->save is called.
                $no_save = 0;

            ## Save entry.
            unless ($no_save) {
                $app->print("Saving entry ('", $entry->title, "')... ");
                if ($entry->save) {
                    $app->print("ok (ID ", $entry->id, ")\n");
                } else {
                    return $app->error($app->translate(
                        "Saving entry failed: [_1]", $entry->errstr));

            ## Save placement.
            ## If we have no primary category ID (from a PRIMARY CATEGORY
            ## key), we first look to see if we have any placements from
            ## CATEGORY tags. If so, we grab the first one and use it as the
            ## primary placement. If not, we try to use the default category
            ## ID specified.
            if (!$primary_cat_id) {
                if (@placements) {
                    $primary_cat_id = shift @placements;
                } elsif ($def_cat_id) {
                    $primary_cat_id = $def_cat_id;
            } else {
                ## If a PRIMARY CATEGORY is also specified as a CATEGORY, we
                ## don't want to add it twice; so we filter it out.
                @placements = grep { $_ != $primary_cat_id } @placements;

            ## So if we have a primary placement from any of the means
            ## specified above, we add the placement.
            if ($primary_cat_id) {
                my $place = MT::Placement->new;
                    or return $app->error($app->translate(
                        "Saving placement failed: [_1]", $place->errstr));

            ## Now add all of the other, non-primary placements.
            for my $cat_id (@placements) {
                my $place = MT::Placement->new;
                    or return $app->error($app->translate(
                        "Saving placement failed: [_1]", $place->errstr));

            ## Save comments.
            for my $comment (@comments) {
                $app->print("Creating new comment ('", $comment->author, 
                    "')... ");
                if ($comment->save) {
                    $app->print("ok (ID ", $comment->id, ")\n");
                } else {
                    return $app->error($app->translate(
                        "Saving comment failed: [_1]", $comment->errstr));

            ## Save pings.
            if (@pings) {
                my $tb = MT::Trackback->load({ entry_id => $entry->id })
                    or return $app->error($app->translate(
                        "Entry has no MT::Trackback object!"));
                for my $ping (@pings) {
                    $app->print("Creating new ping ('", $ping->title,
                    "')... ");
                    if ($ping->save) {
                        $app->print("ok (ID ", $ping->id, ")\n");
                    } else {
                        return $app->error($app->translate(
                            "Saving ping failed: [_1]", $ping->errstr));
    closedir DH;


sub _convert_date {
    my $app = shift;
    my($date) = @_;
    my($mo, $d, $y, $h, $m, $s, $ampm) = $date =~
        m!^(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{2,4}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})(?:\s(\w{2}))?$!
        or return $app->error($app->translate(
            "Invalid date format '[_1]'; must be " .
            "'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM|PM' (AM|PM is optional)", $date));
    if ($ampm) {
        if ($ampm eq 'PM' && $h < 12) {
            $h += 12;
        } elsif ($ampm eq 'AM' && $h == 12) {
            $h = 0;
    if (length($y) == 2) {
        $y += 1900;
    sprintf "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s;

sub show_entry_prefs {
    my $app = shift;
    my $perms = $app->{perms}
        or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions"));
    my %param;
    my $prefs = $perms->entry_prefs || 'Advanced|Bottom';
    ($prefs, my($pos)) = split /\|/, $prefs;
    if ($prefs eq 'Basic' || $prefs eq 'Advanced') {
        $param{'disp_prefs_' . $prefs} = 1;
    } else {
        $param{disp_prefs_custom} = 1;
        my @p = split /,/, $prefs;
        for my $p (@p) {
            $param{'disp_prefs_show_' . $p} = 1;
    $param{'position_' . $pos} = 1;
    $param{entry_id} = $app->{query}->param('entry_id');
    $app->build_page('entry_prefs.tmpl', \%param);

sub save_entry_prefs {
    my $app = shift;
    my $perms = $app->{perms}
        or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions"));
    my $q = $app->{query};
    my $type = $q->param('entry_prefs');
    my $prefs;
    if ($type eq 'Custom') {
        $prefs = join ',', $q->param('custom_prefs');
    } else {
        $prefs = $type;
    $prefs .= '|' . $q->param('bar_position');
        or return $app->error($app->translate(
            "Saving permissions failed: [_1]", $perms->errstr));
    my $url = $app->uri . '?__mode=view&_type=entry';
    if (my $id = $q->param('entry_id')) {
        $url .= '&id=' . $id;
    $url .= '&blog_id=' . $perms->blog_id . '&saved_prefs=1';
    $app->build_page('reload_opener.tmpl', { url => $url });

sub pinged_urls {
    my $app = shift;
    my $perms = $app->{perms}
        or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions"));
    my %param;
    my $entry_id = $app->{query}->param('entry_id');
    require MT::Entry;
    my $entry = MT::Entry->load($entry_id);
    $param{url_loop} = [ map { { url => $_ } } @{ $entry->pinged_url_list } ];
    $app->build_page('pinged_urls.tmpl', \%param);

sub tb_cat_pings {
    my $app = shift;
    my $perms = $app->{perms}
        or return $app->error($app->translate("No permissions"));
    return $app->error($app->translate("Permission denied."))
        unless $perms->can_edit_categories;
    require MT::Category;
    my $q = $app->{query};
    my $cat = MT::Category->load(scalar $q->param('category_id'));

    require MT::Trackback;
    require MT::TBPing;
    my $tb = MT::Trackback->load({ category_id => $cat->id });
    my @tb_data;
    if ($tb) {
        my $iter = MT::TBPing->load_iter({ tb_id => $tb->id },
                        { 'sort' => 'created_on',
                          direction => 'ascend' });
        my $i = 1;
        while (my $ping = $iter->()) {
            my $df = format_ts("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $ping->created_on);
            push @tb_data, { ping_id => $ping->id,
                             ping_title => $ping->title,
                             ping_url => $ping->source_url,
                             ping_ip => $ping->ip,
                             ping_created => $df,
                             ping_odd => ($i++ % 2 ? 1 : 0) };
    my %param;
    $param{ping_loop} = \@tb_data;
    $param{saved_deleted} = $q->param('saved_deleted');
    $app->build_page('tb_cat_pings.tmpl', \%param);

sub reg_file {
    my $app = shift;
    my $q = $app->{query};
    my $js = _bm_js($app->base . $app->uri, scalar $q->param('bm_show'),
                    scalar $q->param('bm_height'));
    $js =~ s!d=document!d=external.menuArguments.document!;
    $app->{no_print_body} = 1;
    $app->set_header('Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename=mt.reg');
    $app->send_http_header('text/plain; name=mt.reg');
        qq(REGEDIT4\r\n) .
        qq([HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\MenuExt\\MT It!]\r\n) .
        qq(@="$js"\r\n) .

sub category_add { $_[0]->build_page('category_add.tmpl') }

sub category_do_add {
    my $app = shift;
    my $q = $app->{query};
    require MT::Category;
    my $name = $q->param('label') or return $app->error("No label");
    my $cat = MT::Category->new;
    $cat->blog_id(scalar $q->param('blog_id'));
    $cat->save or return $app->error($cat->errstr);
    my $id = $cat->id;
    $name = MT::Util::encode_js($name);
    my %param = (javascript => <build_page('reload_opener.tmpl', \%param);

sub cc_return {
    my $app = shift;
    my $code = $app->{query}->param('license_code');
    my %param = (license_code => $code, license_name => MT::Util::cc_name($code));
    $app->build_page('cc_return.tmpl', \%param);
