# Copyright 2001-2003 Six Apart. This code cannot be redistributed without # permission from www.movabletype.org. # # $Id: postgres.pm,v 1.5 2003/02/12 00:15:08 btrott Exp $ package MT::ObjectDriver::DBI::postgres; use strict; use MT::ObjectDriver::DBI; @MT::ObjectDriver::DBI::postgres::ISA = qw( MT::ObjectDriver::DBI ); sub ts2db { sprintf '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', unpack 'A4A2A2A2A2A2', $_[1]; } sub db2ts { (my $ts = substr($_[1], 0, -3)) =~ tr/\- ://d; $ts; } sub init { my $driver = shift; $driver->SUPER::init(@_); my $cfg = $driver->cfg; my $dsn = 'dbi:Pg:dbname=' . $cfg->Database; $dsn .= ';host=' . $cfg->DBHost if $cfg->DBHost; $driver->{dbh} = DBI->connect($dsn, $cfg->DBUser, undef, { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0 }) or return $driver->error("Connection error: " . $DBI::errstr); $driver; } sub _prepare_from_where { my $driver = shift; my($class, $terms, $args) = @_; my($sql, @bind); ## Prefix the table name with 'mt_' to make it distinct. my $tbl = $class->datasource; my $tbl_name = 'mt_' . $tbl; my($w_sql, $w_terms, $w_bind) = ('', [], []); if (my $join = $args->{join}) { my($j_class, $j_col, $j_terms, $j_args) = @$join; my $j_tbl = $j_class->datasource; my $j_tbl_name = 'mt_' . $j_tbl; $sql = "from $tbl_name, $j_tbl_name\n"; ($w_sql, $w_terms, $w_bind) = $driver->build_sql($j_class, $j_terms, $j_args, $j_tbl); push @$w_terms, "${tbl}_id = ${j_tbl}_$j_col"; ## We are doing a join, but some args and terms may have been ## specified for the "outer" piece of the join--for example, if ## we are doing a join of entry and comments where we end up with ## entries, sorted by the created_on date in the entry table, or ## filtered by author ID. In that case the sort or author ID will ## be specified in the spec for the Entry load, not for the join ## load. my($o_sql, $o_terms, $o_bind) = $driver->build_sql($class, $terms, $args, $tbl); $w_sql .= $o_sql; if ($o_terms && @$o_terms) { push @$w_terms, @$o_terms; push @$w_bind, @$o_bind; } if ($j_args->{unique} && $j_args->{'sort'}) { ## If it's a distinct with sorting, we need to create ## a subselect to select the proper set of rows. my $cols = $class->column_names; my $s_sql = "from (select " . join(', ', map "${tbl}_$_", @$cols) . ", ${j_tbl}_$j_args->{'sort'}\n"; $sql = $s_sql . $sql; $w_sql .= ") t\n"; } if (my $n = $j_args->{limit}) { $n =~ s/\D//g; ## Get rid of any non-numerics. $w_sql .= sprintf "limit %d%s\n", $n, ($args->{offset} ? " offset $args->{offset}" : ""); } } else { $sql = "from $tbl_name\n"; ($w_sql, $w_terms, $w_bind) = $driver->build_sql($class, $terms, $args, $tbl); } $sql .= "where " . join(' and ', @$w_terms) . "\n" if @$w_terms; $sql .= $w_sql; @bind = @$w_bind; if (my $n = $args->{limit}) { $sql .= sprintf "limit %d%s\n", $n, ($args->{offset} ? " offset $args->{offset}" : ""); } ($class->datasource, $sql, \@bind); } sub generate_id { my $driver = shift; my($class) = @_; my $seq = 'mt_' . $class->datasource . '_' . $class->properties->{primary_key}; my $dbh = $driver->{dbh}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select nextval('$seq')") or return $driver->error($dbh->errstr); $sth->execute or return $driver->error($dbh->errstr); $sth->bind_columns(undef, \my($id)); $sth->fetch; $sth->finish; $id; } 1;